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The Giant who had no Heart. 60 they had travelled many, many days, they came at last to the lake. The prince did not know how he should get across it ; but the wolf asked him only not to be afraid, and then he plunged into the water with the prince on his back and swam across to the islancfc When they came to the church, they found the key for the church-door hanging high, high up on the steeple, and at first the young prince did not know how to get hold of it. " You will have to call the raven," said the wolf, which the prince did. The raven came at once, and flew up for the key, and so the prince got inside the church. When he came to the well, the duck was there sure enough. It was swimming about just as the giant had said. He commenced calling and calling, and at last he lured her up to him and caught her. But just as he was lifting her out of the water, the duck let the egg fall in the well ; and Ashiepattle didn't know how to get it up again. " You had better call the salmon," said the wolf, which the prince did. The salmon came and fetched the egg from the bottom of the well. The wolf then told him to squeeze the egg, and as soon as Ashiepattle squeezed it, they heard the giant screaming. " Squeeze it once more," said the wolf, and when the prince did so, the giant screamed still more piteously, and prayed so nicely and gently for himself ; he would do all the prince wished, if he only wouldn't squeeze his heart to pieces. — " Tell him, that if he will give you back again alive your six brothers and their brides, which he turned into stone, you will spare his life," said the wolf, and Ashiepattle did so. —Yes, the giant would do that at once. and he restored the six princes and the six princesses to life. — " Now, squeeze the egg to pieces," said the wolf. Ashiepattle squeezed it flat between his hands, and the giant burst. So when Ashiepattle had got rid of the giant, he rode back again on his friend, the wolf, to the giant's castle, and there stood all his six brothers and their brides, all alive, and then Ashiepattle went into the mountain for his own bride, and they all set out for their home, the royal palace. The old king was pleased, I can tell you, when all his seven sons came back, each with his bride.