Page:Christopher Morley--Where the blue begins.djvu/198

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just as a favour, keep things going while I wrestle with that question?—I know it's asking a lot, but perhaps——

“It's quite all right,” Gissing replied. “Naturally you want to work these things out.”

The Captain started to leave the bridge, but by old seafaring habit he cast a keen glance at the sky. He saw the bright string of code flags fluttering. He seemed startled.

“Are you signalling any one?” he asked.

“No one in particular. I thought it looked better to have a few flags about.”

“I daresay you're right. But better take them down if you speak a ship. They're rather confusing.”

“Confusing? I thought they were just to brighten things up.”

“You have two different signals up. They read, Bubonic plague, give me a wide berth. Am coming to your assistance.

Toward dinner time, when Gissing had left the wheel and was humming a tune as he walked the bridge, the steward came to him.

“The Captain's compliments, sir, and would you take his place in the saloon to-night? He