Page:Chronicle of the Grey friars of London.djvu/72

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his compeny shulde come agayne, many of them were come home agayne, or elles they had bene put owte at that tyme; and one of that owse John Forrest was comandyd to preche at Powlles crosse the sonday after, and there pronuncid them all acurst that wente owte of the place; and thene some of theme came home, and ware put in the porteres warde in the cardnalles place. And amonge all was one lay brother William Renscrofte was send un to the Gray freeres in London to prisone and was there longe, and at the last submyttyd hymselfe and was asoyled of the sayd byshoppe by the auctoryte of the cardnall, and soe delyverd home agayne.

Also that day that the kynge came owte of hys chamber to come to the Gray freeres tydynges was browte hym that the Frenche kynge was tane by the duke of Burgone. Also there was gevyne commandement unto the mayer that that nyght that there shulde be a gret bonfyer at Powlles churche dore, and there to be sett a hoggys hed of rede and another of claret for the pepulle to drynke that wolde for the good tydynges. And the second day after was satterday at nyght was a grete wache thorrow all the citte as it is wonte to be at mydsomer, and in every stret a bone fyer. And the sonday after, wyche was the second of lent, the kynge, qwene, and princes,[1] with all other stattes both spirituall and temporall, came to Powlles, and there was songe Te Deum. And after masse the legate gave hys benediccion to all that was in the churche, clene lyffe clene remission.

Also the thursday at nyght, after that Bowe bell was ronge, a pele was comandyd to be ronge in every parish church in London for sewer worde and tydynges that Richard de la Pole was slayne,[2] and many of the nobyll stattes of France there to the number of xxx Ml.

And this same yere was dyvers of the Austyne freeres put in the tower of London for a freer that dyde in prisone amonge them.

And on sent Mathie daye after was a grete generall procescion

  1. Princess (Mary).
  2. At the battle of Pavia.