Page:Chronicle of the law officers of Ireland.djvu/162

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year by concordatum, made at Trim, 9 Feb. 1440.—R. Cl. 19 Hen. VI. f. R. 1.

Michael Griffin,—patent, 1446.—39 Eliz. 1a pars d. R. 23.

John Topcliffe, was Chief Baron in 1496.—11 Hen. VII. f. R. 3.

Sir Bartholomew Dillon of Riyerston,—patent, 1 Feb. 1513.—4 Hen. VIII.

Patrick Finglas,—patent, no date on the Roll, (Sept. 10, 1525, fiant, 17.)—Life.—Fee, £40 argenti.—17 Hen. VIII. fac. Roll 6.

Gerald Aylmer,—Fynglas surrendered, 3 June, 1534, being made Chief Justice of the King's Bench,—patent, 25 June 1534, (26.)—Life.—In consideration that the said Gerald Aylmer is at present in our service in England, by our commandment, and for that it is uncertain whether these our Letters Patent will be made out and pass the Great Seal before the feast of Easter, 1535, and for divers other causes and considerations us hereunto moving, we do give and grant to him £20 Irish, as our gift and reward to him, to be received out of our Treasury without accompt to be rendered for the same. Dated 25 June, 1534.—26 f.

James Bathe, of Drumconragh,—Aylmer made Chief Justice of the King's Bench,—patent, August 1535.—Pleasure.—27 Hen. VIII.—Continued,—Privy Seal, Westminster, 24 March, 1547.—Pleasure.—Fee, £45 English.—1 Edw. VI. 1a pars d. R. 11.—