Page:Chronicle of the law officers of Ireland.djvu/164

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venues are not so well preserved, nor the course of justice in our said Court of Exchequer so well observed as it ought to be; and finding the said Napper willing to make longer abode here in this our realm, we have thought it necessary to supply that place with a person of such learning in our laws and other good parts as the weight thereof requireth, and therefore have made choice of our trusty and well-beloved Edmund Pelham, Knt., Sergeant at Law, to be our Chief Baron there, whom we require you, upon his landing there, and exhibiting these our letters to you, to admit into that place or office of Chief Baron of our Exchequer, &c. His fee to commence from 20 April, 1601, to be sworn of the Privy Council, and to be made a Commissioner for gaol deliveries, assizes, and other services of like nature, and be by you assisted and countenanced in any thing wherein he shall have cause to invoke your help for the reformation and amendment of any disorders crept into our said Court of Exchequer; and moreover, our will and pleasure is, that you pay and allow unto the said Edward Pelham, as well for the transportation of himself, his servants, horses and utensils, as for post horses, diet, and other charges to the sea side, such reasonable sums of money as shall appear unto you to have been paid and allowed to other our Chief Barons in former times in such like cases. He produced these letters 12 Sept. 1602, and required the same to be enrolled.—44 Eliz. d. R. 12. and Fiant, 44.