Page:Chronicle of the law officers of Ireland.djvu/36

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sheriffs, which grant was confirmed by King Edward IV., as also his office of Chancellor, 2 May, 1461; and having appointed Sir Robert Preston, Lord of Gonnanstown, to be his deputy during his pleasure, the King confirmed that appointment the said 2 May.—Sworn same day.—1 Edw. IV. f. R. 4.

Sir William Welles, (son of Leon, Lord Welles,)—vice Dynham,—patent, Westminster, 8 July, 1461.—Life.—The King sent a precipe, dated at Bristol, 7 September following, to Thomas Fitzmorice, Earl of Kildare, Sir Robert Preston, Sir Christopher St. Lawrence, Sir Rowland Fitz Eustace, Sir Nicholas Barnwell, C. J. of the King's Bench, Sir Robert Dowedale, C. J. of the Common Pleas, Sir Thomas Plunket, William Sutton, and all his liege people, signifying that he had sent over for Ireland a new Great Seal by Sir William Welles, Knt, Lord Chancellor of Ireland, and enjoining them to obey the said Chancellor, whom he had sworn into that office before himself in Chancery at Westminster, and to make use of that Seal, and no other; and that all grants under any other Seal, from the first day of his reign, should be vacated and of no force, which, by the tenor of this vnit or precipe, he cancelled.—1 Edw. IV. R. 7.

John, Earl of Worcester, 1462.

Thomas Fitzgerald, 7th Earl of Kildare, for life, confirmed by parliament, 25 January, 1463, 2 Edw. IV.

Robert Allaunston, 1468, 8 Edw. IV.