Page:Chronicle of the law officers of Ireland.djvu/46

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well beloved, Doctor Weston, Dean of the Arches here, a man for his learning and approved integrity thoroughly qualified to receive and possess the same; upon whose arrival, and exhibiting unto you our letters patent jointly with these our letters, our pleasure is you shall confer with the said Abp., and after declaration made unto him, as well of our grant for his revocation and translation to a Bishoprick in England, as of this our said choice of Doctor Weston, ye shall require him to deliver our Great Seal now in his custody into your hands, signifying to him that he may at his own choice be admitted to the Bishoprick of Oxford at his coming over hither in his own person, or otherwise by his procuration; which being done, you shall deliver our said Great Seal to the trust and custody of the said Doctor Weston according to our letters patent made unto him thereof. We are further pleased, for some increase of his living whilst he remains in our service there, to give unto him the Deanery of St. Patrick's, whereof the Abp. of Armagh is now Dean, and yet is to leave it at our order, as we know he will; and therefore we will, that you move the said Abp. to surrender the same, and thereupon cause Doctor Weston, our Chancellor, to be fully admitted under such form as other Deans of that place have hitherto obtained and held the same; nevertheless, for that our special meaning is, that he shall yield over that Deanery again unto our disposition, whensoever he shall leave the office to be our