Page:Chronicle of the law officers of Ireland.djvu/70

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a Commission be forthwith passed, to take effect on the death of the Lord Clare; and naming the Chief Justices of the two Benches, together with the Chief Baron, Commissioners of the Great Seal. This never passed the Great Seal.—Inrolled 8 Feb. 1802.—42 Geo. III. 5» p. 154. p. R. 184.— K. L. 44. 1a p. 93. pag. R. 192.

1802. John, Baron Redesdale,—John Earl of dare deceased,—Privy Seal, St. James's, 15 Feb.,—patent, 15 March.—Pleasure.—Inr. 16 March 1802.—42 Geo. III. 2a p. 218. pag. R. 187. By Privy Seal 7 July, a pension of £4,000 per annum to Lord Redesdale, with condition not to be in operation so long as any office was held by the grantee of equal or greater emolument; and if less, then so much of this grant to stand as should make the emoluments of both not less than £4,000 per annum.—Inr. Dublin, 31 July.—42. 2a p. 103. pag. R.. 169. The two Chief Justices and the Chief Baron were appointed Commissioners of the Great Seal during the Chancellor's absence, they or one of them,—Privy Seal 8 Feb.,—patent, 21 March.—Inr. 28 March 1803.—43. 4a p. 87. pag. R. 183. A license of absence in England on his private affairs was granted to the Chancellor,—Privy Seal and patent, 30 May.—Inr. 1 June, 1803.—43. 3a p. 75. pag. R. 188. On the same day, the two Chief Justices, and the Chief Baron were appointed Commissioners by a separate instrument. King's letter, appointing Commissioners for hearing causes in