Page:Chronicle of the law officers of Ireland.djvu/92

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shall well and truly keep and preserve all his Majesty's records within and belonging to the office of the Rolls of his Majesty's High Court of Chancery in Ireland and not to suffer any of them to be embezzled or defaced, and shall render a just account for the profits thereof unto whom the right shall thereunto belong.—

So help you God.
Tho. Tilson, Register."

Sir William Temple, Bart.,—a new appointment,—Privy Seal, Whitehall, 23 Nov. 1677.—Patent, Dublin, 8 Dec. 1677. The King having granted to Sir William Temple, Bart., (by the name of William Temple,) the Mastership of the Rolls inreversion, as above, with an exemption and reservation of all judicial power and authority with the said offices heretofore granted or used, and Sir M. Eustace and Sir J. Temple being dead, and the King having resolved to grant to Sir William Temple as well the said judicial power and authority as the ministerial power belonging to said offices, directed a patent to pass thereof to him for life; and in regard the said Sir William Temple is now employed by us as our Ambassador Extraordinary in Holland, and one of our Plenipotentiaries at the treaty of Nimeguen, so that at present we cannot allow him liberty to repair into Ireland, there to attend the execution of the said offices, we direct you to cause a license under the Great Seal to him, to be absent for three years from the death of the said Sir John Temple; and also a commission to such person or persons as you shall think fit to nominate, thereby empowering