Page:Chronicles of pharmacy (Volume 2).djvu/327

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Ablathanabla, 166

Abracadabra mystery, 164

Abraxas, mystic word, 165

Absorbent ethiops, 351

Abtinas, incense makers, 57

Acetabulum, ii, 278

Acetanilide, discovery, ii, 273

Acetic acid, synthetic, ii, 271.
  See also Pyroligneous acid

Acetum Philosophicum, ii, 279

Achillea milfoil, virtues discovered, 16

Achilles, medical discoveries, 16

Acids, how first made, 323

Acidum causticum, 325

Acidum Pingue, 325
  (For other acids see specific names.)

Aconite, discovery, ii, 221;
  as poison, ii, 223

Acopa, 91; ii, 279; ii, 290

Adders. See Vipers

Adept, ii, 279

Adrenaline, synthetic, ii, 269

Adrian's antidote, 288;
  dropsy cure, 299

Adulteration, early methods of detecting, 210

Adust, ii, 279

Advertisement, early, 141

Ægyptiacum 16; ii, 52

Aërated cod-liver oil, ii, 167

Æsculapius, Greek physician, 7;
  portraits, 8;
  death, 8;
  descendants, 10;
  temples, 11, 79

Æthiops. See Ethiops

Aetius, medical writer, 215

Aggregatives, ii, 279

Ague, cures, 50; ii, 133

Agyrtoi, 93

Alabaster, ii, 279

Albucasis of Cordova, 110; 329

Album Græcum, ii, 10

Album Rhasis, ii, 279

Alchemy, invention, 4.
  See also Chemistry

Alcohol, constitution, 330;
  formula, ii, 270;
  etymology, 103, 326;
  early references, 328, 329;
  synthesis, 330: ii, 271

Alcohol of Mars, 327

Alcohol of sulphur, 327

Aldehyde, preparation, ii, 271

Alembic, etymology, ii, 279

Alembroth salt, 243, 417;
  etymology, ii, 279

Alexander of Tralles, 216;
  Hiera, ii, 141

Alexandria library, 88, 98

Alexandrinus, Nicolas, 219

Alexipharmic, ii, 279

Alexiteria, ii, 279

Alfred the Great, letter to, 114, 131

Alga nostoch, 375

Algaroth's powder, 381

Algarotti, note on, 381

Alhandal, ii, 279

Alkahest, Glauber's 264; ii, 279

Alkali, etymology, ii, 280

Alkalies, early knowledge of, 324;
  Black on, 324

Alkalised ethiops, 351

Alkaloids, discovery of, 274; ii, 243;
  synthesis, ii, 265

Alkekengi, ii, 280

Alkermes, Arabic derivation, 103

Al-Koh'l, 326

Alkool, ii, 280

Allicola, 360

All-flower-water, ii, 8

Almond tree, Biblical reference, 75

Alœdarium, ii, 280

Aloes, as pigment, 95;
  tincture, ii, 37;
  elixir, ii, 57;
  notes on, ii, 86;
  picture of, ii, 87; ii, 88;
  books on, ii, 88;
  decoction, ii, 176