Page:Chronicles of pharmacy (Volume 2).djvu/331

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Carminative, etymology, ii, 283
  Spirit of Sylvius, 337

Cassia, introduction of, 105

Castor-oil, used by Dioscorides, 210;
  notes on, ii, 89;
  picture of plant, ii, 90;
  early uses, ii, 90;
  treatise on, ii, 92;
  etymology, ii, 93.
  See also Ricinus.

Castorum, early use, 217

Cat, medicinal use, ii, 13

Cataplasm, etymology, ii, 283

Catholica, meaning of, ii, 283

Caustic potash formulæ, 325

Caventou discovers quinine, 274.
  See also Pelletier

Celsus, on Egyptian medicine, 35;
  writings, 90

Centaurs, fable, 15

Centaury, etymology, 14;
  figure of, 25

Ceratum, ii, 127
  de Lapide calaminari, ii, 158
  lithargyri, 400

Cerates, meaning of, ii, 283

Cereirsiæ, ii, 283

Ceruse, ii, 284.
  See also White lead. of antimony, ii, 284

Chamberlain's restorative pills, 421

Chamberlen's necklaces, ii, 170

Chamomile, use in medicine, 125

Chambre ardente enquiry, ii, 236

Chaptal, French chemist, 281

Charas, French chemist, 279

Charms, dragon's blood as, 32;
  use of, 157, 171.
  See also Talismans

Charles II, prescription for, ii, 6; ii, 182

Chaucer on physicians, 133

Chelbanah, 56

Chelsea Pensioner, origin, ii, 123;
  formula, ii, 124

Chemistry, Patin on, 243;
  Boerhaave's definition, 323;
  debt of pharmacy to, 323

Chemists and Druggists origin, 154.
  See also Apothecaries and Pharmacists

Chenopodium Botrys, old name, 22

Chloral hydrate, preparation, ii, 272

Chloric ether, ii, 252

Chlorine, discovery, 269

Chloroform anæsthesia, discovery of, ii, 251; ii, 272

Cholera, Heraclides's remedy, 89

Chinchon, Countess of, ii, 94; ii, 102

Ching's Worm Lozenges, ii, 166

Chin-Nong herbal, 287

Chiron, knowledge of simples, 14

Christ, meaning of, 60

Chromium, discovery, 271

Churchill, Dr., introduces hypophosphites, 307

Cibus Celestus, ii, 31

Cinchona, discovery of, ii, 93;
  how its virtues were discovered, ii, 94;
  first used in Europe, ii, 95;
  opposition to using, ii, 95;
  Talbor employs, ii, 97;
  tincture of, ii, 100;
  derivation of word, ii, 102;
  introduction ii, 104

Cinchonidine, discovery, ii, 247

Cinchonine, discovery, ii, 247

Cinnabar as panacea, 421;
  confused with minium, 408

Circe, invention of poisons, ii, 221

Circulatores, 93

Circumforanei, 93

Citrine ointment, origin, ii, 125

Clement of Alexandria, writings, 37

"Closed ring" theory, ii, 261

Clyster, ii, 290

Cobwebs, for bleeding, ii, 73

Cocaine, synthetic, ii, 266

Cochineal insects, patent, ii, 162

Cochleare, meaning of, ii, 284

Codeine, discovery, 276; ii, 248

Coffee, introduction, 284

Cohal, 327

Cohobation, meaning of, ii, 284

Colcothar, ii, 284

Colchicum, virtues discovered, 17;
  introduction, ii, 182; ii, 221
  wine, ii, 67

Cold cream, ii, 65; ii, 127

Collier de Morand, ii, 171

Collodion, discovery, 340

Collutories, ii, 284

Collyrium, ii, 284

Colical antidote of Nicostratus, 215

Colocynth, Biblical reference, 69

Comfrey, used by Saxons, 126

Commander's Balsam, ii, 135

Compound liquorice powder, origin, ii, 148
  soap pills, origin of, ii, 153

Confectio Anti-Epileptica, 248
  piperis, origin of, ii, 210; ii, 214
  Raleighana, 312, 313, 314

Confection of Alkermes, ii, 51
  of Mithridates, 290
  of opium, origin of, ii, 40

Confectionarii, 117

Coniine, synthetic, ii, 266

Conserves, ii, 285

Copper, Valentine's method of prepreparing, 228;
  symbol, ii, 307, ii, 310