Page:Chronicles of pharmacy (Volume 2).djvu/334

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Exili, poisoner, ii, 230, ii, 233

Extract of Saturn, 265; ii, 311

Eyes, remedies for, 185


Face wrinkles, papyrus prescription, 44

Fæx vini, 371

"Fakhiliteh," Arab treatise, 112

Fat, human, medical uses, ii, 7

Ferdinand of Austria, plague powder, ii, 35;
  invents antidote, ii, 229

Fennel, used by Saxons, 126

Fernel, Paris physician, 415

Ferruginous waters, effect of, 403

Fever, Rhazes's treatment, 106;
  charm for, 107;
  cinchona for, ii, 95

Fig poultice, 46, 73

Fig tree in Bible, 73

Flies in ointment, quotation, 51

Fioraventi's Balsam, ii, 173

"Fire-air," 269

Fire-stone, 360

Fistula paste, Ward's, ii, 214

"Fixed air," 357

Flake's anti-hæmorrhoidal ointment, 425

Flores martis, 398
  zinci, 427

Flos cœlorum, 375

Flückiger and Hanbury's "Pharmacographia," ii, 86

Fluoric acid, discovery, 268

Folk-lore, superstitious, 168

Ford's Balsam of Horehound, ii, 167

Forget-me-not, old name, 185

Formic acid, synthetic, ii, 257

Fourcroy, French chemist, 285

Four officinal capitals, ii, 37

Four Thieves' Vinegar, ii, 56

Fowler's Solution of Arsenic, ii, 133;
  original recipe, ii, 134

Fowler, T., biography, ii, 133;
  publication, ii, 134

Fox, medical uses, 127

Foxes' lungs, as remedy, ii, 1; ii, 11

Fox-glove. See Digitalis

France, pharmacy ordinances, 121

Frankincense, source, 56

Frankland's theory of valency, ii, 260

Frascator, Jerome, biography, 223

Frederick II, pharmacy edict, 117

French disease, 413.
  See also syphilis

Friar's Balsam, origin of, ii, 135

Frier's Drops, ii, 136; ii, 165

Fritzsche's aniline, ii, 263

Furies, propitiating, 167


Galbanum, Biblical reference, 56

Gallitzenstein, 427

Galvani's experiments, ii, 167

Gale's Spa Elixir, ii, 165

Galen, theory of humours, 178;
  biography, 210;
  infallibility, 210;
  bust, 211;
  portrait, 211;
  influenced by dreams, 212;
  medical fame, 214;
  works, 214;
  criticised, 216

Galen's ceratum lithargyri, 406
  cold cream, ii, 65; ii, 127
  confection, ii, 42
  Hiera, ii, 139
  pil. cochia, ii, 152

Garth's "Dispensary," 151

Garus's elixir, ii, 57

Gas, invention of word, 260; ii, 290

"Gas sylvestre," 260, 357

Gascoyne's powder, ii, 19

Gay-Lussac, French chemist, 284

Geber, chemical discoveries, 102, 105

Gentian, discovery of, 288

Gentius, King of Illyria, 288

Geoffrey, French physician, 278

Gerard's Herbal quoted, 67

Gerhardt, French chemist, 283

Germany, pharmacy ordinances, 120

Gilead, Balm of. See Balm of Gilead

Gilead, where situated, 54

Gilla vitrioli, 374; ii, 290

Girandeau, syphilis remedy, 415;
  prosecuted, 416

Glaser's sal Polychrest, 371;
  makes silver nitrate sticks, 424

Glauber, biography, 260;
  chemical discoveries, 261;
  bust, 262;
  invents Kermes mineral, 381;
  Kermes, secret purchased, 319;
  discovers spirit of salt, 369

Glauber's salts, discovery, 261

Glaucus, restored to life, 13

Glucinium, discovery, 271

Glycerin, discovery, 270

Glyster, ii, 290

Godbold's Vegetable Balsam, ii, 166

Goddard, Dr. J., note on, ii, 180

Goddard's Drops, secret purchased, 319, 337;
  origin, ii, 179;
  uses, ii, 179

Godfrey's Cordial, ii, 177

Gold, medicinal uses, 388;
  for covering pills, 389;
  cure for syphilis, 395;
  symbol, ii, 306, ii, 307, ii 310.
  See also Aurum

Gold leaf, use of, 388

Golden Drops, 321

"Golden Water," 329