Page:Chronicles of pharmacy (Volume 2).djvu/336

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Hydrochloric acid. See Spirit of salt

Hydrocyanic acid. See Prussic acid

Hydrophobia, poem on, 224

Hygeia, daughter of Æsculapius, 11

Hyoscyamus, etymology, ii, 276.
  See also Henbane

Hypnotic Powder of Jacobi, 350

Hypophosphites, medical use, 367

Hyssop, Biblical reference, 64;
  Dioscorides on, 209


Icy Noctiluca, 365

Incense, 38, 50;
  etymology, 55;
  Biblical formula, 55, 57;
  Catholic formula, 58

Infant's skin as a charm, 173

Infusions, introduction of, ii, 290

Infusum Gentianæ Co., origin, ii, 291

Insane root, 21;
  Shakespearian reference, ii, 72

Iodine discovery, 351

Iodoform, first prepared, 353

Ipecacuanha, history, ii, 114;
  medical use, ii, 114;
  dose, ii, 115

Iron citrate, introduction, 405
  iodide, 405
  perchloride as secret remedy, 322
  phosphate, 405
  reduced by hydrogen, 404

Iron, as remedy, 12, 187, 217, 397;
  varieties, 398;
  in the blood, 398;
  Sydenham and Willis on, 399;
  pharmaceutical preparations, 402, 403, 404, 405;
  symbol, ii, 307; ii, 310
  sulphate, medical use, 108
  syrups, various, 405
  tincture, 404

Isis founder of medicine, 2, 34;
  invocation to, 38
  tears, name for Vervain, 35.

Isotheos, ancient nostrum, 215

Israelite medicine, 46

Itch, treatment, 130, 201
  history, 202
  theories, 203
  cause, 204
  van Helmont contracts, 258, 420

Ivy, called Osiris, 35


Jacobi's powder, 350

Jamblicus, writings of, 5

James Dr., portrait, ii, 187

James's analeptic pills, ii, 165; ii, 189

James's powder, first official, ii, 67;
  patent, ii, 164;
  origin, ii, 187; ii, 191;
  patent, ii, 188;
  imitations, ii, 190

Jaso, daughter of Æsculapius, 11

Jesuits' bark, ii, 97.
  See also Cinchona drops, ii, 135

Jews, belief in charms, 160;
  medicines of, 48;
  object to bitter flavours, 48, 64

John of Gaddesden, 134;
  small-pox cure, 169, 186

John xxi, medical author, 294

Johnson, Dr., touched for scrofula, 301

Johnson's Golden Ointment, ii, 199

Jonah's gourd, 66

Julep, etymology, 103; ii, 291

Juniper, Biblical reference, 65

Jussieu, French botanist, 284


Kadolikoi, 95

Kakhal, 327

Katapotia, 86; ii, 283, ii, 291

Kekulé's structural formulas, ii, 261;
  portrait, ii, 262

Kermes, etymology, ii, 50;
  what it is, ii, 50;
  uses, ii, 51
  Mineral, invention, 381;
  medicinal uses, 381

Kesebt, identity of, 42

Ketorah, meaning of, 55

Kik, Gerard's reference, 67

Kiki, ii, 90

King's Evil, cured by touch, 298;
  Shakespearian reference, ii, 72.
  See also Scrofula

Kohol, 378

Kopopoloi, 95

Koran as Arab literature, 98

Kousso, introduction, ii, 115;
  tapeworm, remedy, ii, 115

Krabadin, earliest pharmacopœia, 103

Kunckel's, portrait, 362;
  Bologna stone, 363;
  luminous pills, 365

Kurella, Dr., note on, ii, 148

Kyanol, ii, 263

Kyphi, sacred perfume, 45


La Mère Thecle's ointment, 407

La Mothe's Golden Drops, 321, 404