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Took place on the 3rd March, 1842, and it was a failure. It yvas held in the Melbourne Cattle Market (intersection of Elizabeth and Victoria Streets). T h e exhibits were a vast disappointment, and in the element yvhere success might be reasonably expected, the deficiency was most marked, for the display of horned cattle was a most meagre turn-out numerically and otherwise. Prizes yvere ayvarded for horses to Messrs. AVatson and Hunter, J, Carmichael, H . Jamieson, J. Purves, and Captain Smythe; for cattle, to Messrs. Watson and Hunter, J. Thompson, Cooper, Carmichael, and Bolden; for wheat, to a Mr. Coulstock; water-melons, Mr. Bolden; and vegetables to Captain Smythe. O n the following evening the members consoled themselves over a dinner, much less enthusiastic, gushing and prayerful than the inauguration one. THE PORT PHILLIP FARMERS' SOCIETY

AA'as established in 1849, and an Anniversary Ploughing Match and an Exhibition came off on the Queen's Birthday of 1850, at the farm of Mr. John Grant, of Campbellfield, a few miles from Melbourne, when the issue was pronounced to be both gratifying and successful. T h e day was fine, the ground in order, the competitors in high spirits, and the cattle in good condition. Mr. Peter M'Cracken, of the Moonee Ponds, obtainedfirst-classprizes for the best samples of wheat and barley, and Mr. A. Guthrie, of the Salt Water River, for the second. The following prizes yvere ayvarded :—Messrs. Forrester and Monteith, of the River Plenty, for the best pair of plough horses. Mr. AV. J. Cameron, of the Deep Creek, for the best brood mare, Messrs. Gibb and Robertson, of Campbellfield, for the second best brood mare. Mr. John Cameron, of the Deep Creek, for the best team of bullocks; James Nuttle, in the employ of Mr. Browne, of Heidelbeig, for the best ploughing with horses ; and Messrs. Gibb and Robertson, Campbellfield (James Anderson, ploughman), for the second best ploughing with horses. T h e third prize for ploughing was decreed to Mr. Dugald M'Phail, Salt Water River (R. Murdoch, ploughman). In bullock ploughing, Mr. Grant, of Campbellfield (ploughman, George Greeves), yvas successful as afirstprize man, whilst the second place was assigned to Mr. John M'Phail (Neil M'Carthy, ploughman), and the third to Mr. Alexander Guthrie (John M'Bean, ploughman). The day wound up with a spread at Somerville's Hotel, Mr. John Crowe, presiding. A Ploughing Match came off on the 13th June, 1851, on the farm of Mr. A. C. M'Cracken. The three Judges yvere Messrs. John Nicholson, John Dick, both of Salt Water River, and D. Lawson, Moonee Ponds. Their awards were thus :—


No. 4—Owner Mr. John Robinson, xMoonee Ponds; ploughman, David Anderson—2nd class prize of medal, yvorth £ 3 . No. 6 — O w n e r Mr. M'Phail, of Spring Hill; ploughman, George Marshall—ist class prize of a gold medal, worth £ 5 . No. 1 0 — M r . John AVippel, Moonee Ponds; ploughman, Thomas Brownlow—3rd class prize, of medal, worth £ 2 . BULLOCKS.

No. 5 —Owner, Mr. Myers, of Merri Creek; ploughman, John M'Farland—2nd class prize of medal,

worth £3. No. 6 - O w n e r Mr. M'Phail, Middle Bank; Neil M'Carthy, ploughman—3rd class prize of a medal, worth £ 2 . No. 7—George Green, of Campbellfield, ploughed by himself—ist class prize, a gold medal of £ 5 value