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A special meeting of shareholders yvas convened at the same place on the 9th March, Mr. M'Kenzie (the Deputy Sheriff) in the chair. A report from the Provisional Committee disclosed the fact that 3653 shares had been allotted to 370 applicants, of yvhich 3150 yvere paid for; and of the applicants 300 had signed the deed of settlement. Shareholders of twenty shares yvere qualified for the Directorate, and there were tyventy candidates for the dozen seats of yvhich it was to consist. T h e election was at once proceeded with, under the scrutiny of Messrs. D. S. Campbell, Frederick Cooper, and Samuel Thorpe. The ballot showed the following result:—Henry Moor, 431; A. M'Lachlan, 416; J. R. Murphy, 413; A. M'Kenzie, 407 ; Henry Miller, 368 : F. D. Wickham, 360 ; AVilliam Highett, 359 ; George Annand, 322; J. AV. Hoyvey, 320; AV. B. Burnley, 288; E. B. Greene, 285; M . Gibson, 281. These twelve, as the pollers of the highest numbers, yvere declared to constitute thefirstBoard. Appended are the unsuccessful aspirants :—George James, 251; J. T. Smith, 162; H u g h Glass, 148; Joseph Hall, 139; John AVatson, 109 ; David Young, 85 ; Thomas Black, 83 ; Robert Robinson, 58. For the Secretaryship there yvere three candidates, in which contest George Frazer received 187 votes; James Damyon, 173; and Edward Courtney, 156. Frazer continued for several years as Chief Executive Officer ofthe Institution. Messrs. J. B. Bennett and J. H . Ross had afightfor the Solicitorship, but thefirst-namedyvon by nearly tyvo to one, the voting being—Bennett, 318 ; Ross, 190. Subsequently the Board of Management nominated Messrs. Charles Laing and James Ballingall to be House and Marine Surveyors respectively. Such is the origin of a Company yvhich prospered in its work, and continues in its thriving condition to the present, GEELONG.

An attempt was made in 1847 to start the Australia Felix Fire and Marine Insurance Company at Geelong, yvith a capital of £100,000 in 2000 shares of £ 5 0 each. A prospectus was issued, and a small, though substantial, Provisional Directory named; but the time had not arrived for the thorough development of such an enterprise. In August, 1850, the Geelong and AVestern District Fire and Marine Insurance Company was initiated on a proposed capital of 4000 £ 2 5 shares (£100,000). O n the 23rd January, 1851, a meeting yvas held at Mac's Hotel, yvith Mr. Charles Nantes as Chairman, yvhen the following Directors were elected by ballot :—Messrs. C. J. Dennys, C. Nantes, Silas Harding, G. A. Lloyd, and Edward Willis. Mr. J. S. Hill was appointed Manager; Mr. J. A. Gregory, Solicitor; and the Bank of Australasia, Bankers.


The occurrence of several fires in Melbourne and notably the one at Condell's Brewery, in Little Bourke Street, in July, 1845, quickened into activity a long slumbering desireforthe formation of some recognized body outside the military and police to assist in the extinction of fire. T o effect this purpose a public meeting, convened by the Mayor (Moor), yvas held at the Royal Hotel, Collins Street, on the 21st July. The result yvas the formation of a "Fire Prevention Society," to be supported by voluntary subscriptions. In September the Society made the following appointments, viz. :—Inspector : T h e City Chief-Constable (Mr. AV. J. Sugden). Foreman : Mr. Jeremiah Dalton. PTremen : Henry Rankin, Peter AVartmough, Daniel MTntosh, John Cross, Robert Knox, and AVilliam Jordan. It was bitterly complained that the public, support was not accorded as liberally as it ought to have been, for the maintenance of such an institution, and it was mentioned as a reproach upon the public spirit of the time that out of a town population of 12,000, only 204 persons opened their pockets in the good cause. The Directors of the Victorian Insurance Company, in February, 1851, took the concern under its wing, and reformed it very considerably. In its reconstructed condition it thus appeared :—Superintendent, Chief-Constable Bloomfield; Foremen Jeremiah Dalton, and Daniel O'Reilly; Firemen, Michael Lynch, J. AV. Roberts, R. AATlliamson, D. M'Carthy, John Ryan, P. Ryan, M . Heaphy, M . Doolan, Oliver Johnstone, and David Rosier.