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to give occasional theatrical representations with varying success, and under circumstances which must have rendered their amateuring the reverse of comfortable.


et Uxor.

In August, Mr. and Mrs. Knowles made a flying visit from Sydney, and an application to the Police Magistrate to give one night's performance was acceded to. Hereupon the few professionals at the Pavilion got jealous, and yvrote to the Bench threatening a prosecution on the score of illegality. T h e favour thus accorded to Knowles yvas not only illegal but unjust; yet, as Major St. John was not the m a n easily to undo anything done by himself, be it right or wrong, the special performance took place on the evening of the 24th, and as this was thefirstoccasion ofthe issue of a professional play-bill in the colony, a copy of it is appended :—• ROYAL VICTORIA THEATRE, MELBOURNE. MR. A N D MRS. K N O W L E S

Bet; most respectfully to inform the inhabitants of Melbourne and its vicinity, that they will have the honour to appear before them, for thefirsttime, on

T H U R S D A Y EVENING, 24111 AUGUST, 1843, Being by special permission of M A J O R S T . J O H N , and the Worshipful the Bench of Magistrates, sanctioned by

HIS H O N O R T H E SUPERINTENDENT. The performance will commence yvith a drama of great interest, never before acted here, called

M O N S I E U R JACQUES; OK, F A T H E R A N D D A U G H T E R . Monsieur Jacques -







With the popular song

" O F T IN T H E STILLY NIGHT," And a song incidental to the piece, " A NOBLE'S D A U G H T E R L O V E D TO MADNESS," accompanied

on the Pianoforte by M R . KNOWLES. In the course of the evening, the popular song, " Tell Me my Heart," by

MRS. K N O W L E S . T o conclude with a comedy in two acts, entitled


Miss Mortimer










With the song of " T h e Banks of the Blue Moselle." Doors open at Seven o'clock, and the curtain will rise at Half-past Seven precisely. Mr. Knowles has m a d e every arrangement for the preservation of order, and the stage management will be under his direction. Families arc respectfully informed that the performances will be over at Eleven o'clock, and to secure places early application and attendance yvill be necessary. Boxes, 5s. ; Upper Boxes, 3s. ; Pit, 2s.

There was a thronged gathering, and the performance was much superior to anything previously attempted. M r . and Mrs. Knowles appeared to m u c h advantage and with m u c h effect, whilst the songs yvere very efficiently rendered, Knowles himself playing the piano accompaniment. Their second appearance was in " Othello," on the 4th September, supported by Capper, Winter, Boyd and Mrs. Arabin. Knowles performed the part of the Moor, and Desdemona found a suitable representative in Mrs. Knowles ; with Boyd as Lago and Mrs. Arabin Emilia. Knowles' impersonation was a masterly one ; but Desdemona did not seem a part in which it was Mrs. Knowles' specialty to excel, as her