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QUEEN'S THEATRE ROYAL. The Gentry of Melbourne, its vicinity, and the Public generally, are respectfully informed, that T H E O P E N I N G N I G H T of that S P L E N D I D EDIFICE,




21, 1845,

(By Desire), And Under the Patronage of His Worship the Mayor, the Aldermen, and Toyvn Councillors of Melbourne.

MR. DAVIES Has the honour to announce that, through the liberality of Mr. Councillor Smith, who has generously granted him the use of His Magnificent Theatre

TO TAKE A BENEFIT, Arrangements have been made to Open the Theatre on a Scale of Splendour not to be Surpassed in the Colonies. In soliciting the patronage of the gentry and public of Melbourne, Mr. Davies begs to assure them that the entertainments selected are of so chaste and moral a nature, that he is led to believe

THE BOXES On this occasion will be graced by the presence of all the ladies of Melbourne, and in order to ensure the evening's performance going off with eclat, he has secured the services ofthe following efficient corps dramatique :— Mrs. Knowles, Mrs. Groves, Mrs. Boyd, Mrs. Avins, and Miss Vincent; M R . N E S B I T T , Mr. Davies, Mr. Batters, Mr. Lee, Mr. Boyd, Mr. Miller, Mr. Alexander, Mr. Jacobs, Mr. Searle, Mr. Capper, Mr. C. Boyd, Mr. Cochrane, etc., etc., etc. The whole under the direction of Mr. NesbittSeveral regulations for the good management of the theatre have been established, and six special constables will be in attendance to enforce the same, the particulars of which will appear in the bills of the day. Previous to the commencement ofthe drama will be sung the National Anthem of

" GOD SAVE THE QUEEN." ON MONDAY EVENING, 2IST APRIL, Will be presented, with new music, scenery, dresses and decorations, a Drama of intense interest, entitled the

BEAR H U N T E R S , OR T H E F A T A L RAVINE. Caribert ... Mr. NESBITT. (As performed by him at the Theatre Royal, Liverpool, and Glasgow and Sydney Theatres) After which Billy Barlow .. Mr. L E E Song—" Tell me, my Heart " ... Mrs. K N O W L E S Irish Comic Song ... Mr. B O Y D Dance—" I and my Double" ... Mr. J A C O B S The evening's performance will conclude yvith the admired Nautical Drama called

"BLACK-EYED SUSAN." William Mr. NESBITT (As performed_by him at the Theatre Royal, Liverpool). A C T IL—Song—" Black-eyed Susan," by Mrs K N O W L E S . Doors open at half-past six, and the performance yvill commence at seven o'clock precisely. Dress Circle, 5s.; half-price, 3s, Upper Boxes, 4s.; half-price, 2s. Pit, 3s. ; half-price, is. 6d. Half-price at Nine o'clock. Boxes may be secured, and tickets obtained at the theatre, from ten to four daily. Tickets to be had at the following places :—Pullar's Stationery Warehouse, Collins Street; The Royal Hotel; The Commercial Inn ; Yarra Steam Packet Hotel; Mr. M'Namara, Queen Street ; and from Mr. Davies. M R . NESBITT, Manager. M R . C A P P E R , Mechanist. VIVAT REGINA.

No preparations were spared to produce a "stunning" effect at this debut of the so-much-talked-of new theatre. T h e interior arrangements were of the rough-and-ready style, but not uncomfortable. The decorating was altogether overdone, and all sense of anything approaching to correct taste was marred by a profusion of loud, vulgarfinery,outre in design and crude in execution. T h e proscenium was an elliptical arch, supported on pilasters, and surmounted by the Royal Arms, whilst there was a grotesque attempt to