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Was now strengthened by a neyv acquisition, thus flatteringly yvritten of:—"Mr. Falchon, the well-established favourite of both the Sydney and Yan Diemen's Land theatres, and yvhose representations of Irish characters are (take our yvord for it) rich in the extreme, has arrived from Launceston and been added to the Melbourne Company. There is one song in particular, yvhich w e have heard him sing at leastfiftytimes, with bursting sides; yve mean, 'Paddy's Wedding;' this song has hitherto been awfully butchered by Burgin. Let those yvho delight in a genuine Irish song, sung in true character, look out for this treat." The "butcher" Burgin yvas first a confectioner, and next a billiard player, who occasionally eked out a feyv shillings a yveek at the Pavilion. On the 26th June the Melbourne Company played to a paying house. This was the first appearance of Falchon, from the Theatre Royal, Sydney, and Hobart Town, the bill opening with "The Mutiny at the Nore." Falchon, as Jack Adams, was great; but Nesbitt as Richard Parker, was greater; and Falchon's "Paddy's Wedding" yvas unsurpassable. Then followed "The Secret," and The Happy Man," wherein Falchon's " Paddy Murphy " sent the audience away in the best possible good humour.


Competition is the life of trade, and such was quickly exemplified so far as related to theatrical wares. The Coppin steam was now in full puff, and the following attractive bill (for the first time in Port Phillip) yvas put forth for the 3rd July:— THE SCHOOL FOR SCANDAL. Charles Surface Mr. Young. Joseph Surface M r Thompson. Sir Oliver Surface ' Mr. Rogers. Moses Mr. Opie. Crabtree Mr. Hambleton. Sir Benjamin Backbite Mr. Ray. Sir Peter Teazle Mr. Coppin. Trip M r . Wilks. Rowley Mr. Watson. Snake - Mr. Turner. Mrs. Candour - Mrs. Rogers. Lady Sneerwell - Mrs. Hambleton Maria Mrs. Young. Lady Teazle Mrs. Coppin. In the course of the evening the band will play— Overture—Cenerentola -Rossini. Overture—Semiramide—Rossini. Quadrille—Prince of Wales—Julien. Quadrille—Norma—Weippert. Waltz—Les Roses—Strauss. After w h i c h — " Pas Seul " — M r s . Young. To be followed by the admired Vaudeville of

W H Y DON'T SHE MARRY. Sergeant Max - Mr. Young. Natz Teik (a young farmer) - Mr. Coppin. Lisette (Sister to Max) - Mrs. Rogers. French Soldiers, Male and Female Villagers, etc., etc., etc. Airs incidental to the piece :— S o n g — " M y Beautiful Rhine "—Lisette. S o n g — " Liberty for M e "—Lisette. Song and Chorus " Oh, Vive L'Amour " — M a x and Soldiers. Finale, By the whole of the Characters. Comic Song - Mr. Hambleton. Pas de Deux - Mr. and Mrs. Young. The whole to conclude with the laughable farce of

WINNING A HUSBAND. (In which Mrs. Coppin will sustain eight different characters ! ' ') Sir Robert Strangeways, (in love with everything except Miss Jenny Transit) Davy (his man) no philosopher, and yet no fool . . Lucinda (sister to Sir Roderick, and not quite so fond of romance) Miss Jenny Transit (in love with no one but Sir Roderick) . Margaret Macmucklecanny (a learned lassie from the Highlands) Miss Cornelia Clementina Clappergo (a voluminous and voluble literary spinster) Lady Dorothy Dashly (desirous of the marriage state and a fortune) . Mrs. Deborah G n s k m (a pork butcher's widow with more airs than graces) Mademoiselle Antoinette Marosquieu (a French Fieuarantel Bridget Blackthorn (a rustic beauty) . . ' Ensign Thaddeus O'Transit (of the Kilkenny Flamers) . ". Leader of the Orchestra - Mr. Megson. Scene Painter - Mr. Opie. Prompter - Mr.


M r Ropers Mr' C ' Mrs H n m h W ™ Mrs Conn in ' M r s CoDDin 1 i Mrs ConDin ' i . Mrs C o n n m 1 i : : Mr,' Connin M'M'; vr r• • 11 11 1 1 Mrs " -Coppin!.. ". ! M r l ^ C o p p m ! M M 11 Watson. . . .