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Mrs. Heir, Mrs. C. Younge, Mrs. Phillips, Mrs. Thompson, Mrs. Avins, Mrs. Crosby, Mrs. Rogers, the Misses Herbert and Greer, and the sisters Nelson. CREMORNE.

Brooke and Coppin purchased the freehold of Cremorne Gardens, at Richmond, yvhich yvere opened by them on November 3rd, 1856. In the primitive times this place yvas knoyvn as Wright's Swamp, now an Inebriate Asylum, upon yvhich ,£100,000 has been expended. There the Pantheon Theatre yvas erected, and there thefirstballoon ascent in Australia took place on the ist February, 1858. Tyvo balloons yvere imported with Captain Dean and Professor Brown, two English aeronauts, yvho m a d e several successful ascents. T h e late Mr. Pond brought out for Coppin thefirstyvhite syvans ever seen in Australia ; also 500 goldfish,only landing nine of the latter, from yvhich the whole of the colony yvas eventually stocked. Three Wizards—Professor Jacobs, Mr. Anderson (the Wizard of the North) and Mr. Heller; Woodroffe's Glassbloyvers ; the Lancashire Bell Ringers ; Skaters, & c , & c , also appeared.. T h e Cremorne " spec." was not success, and Brooke and Coppin dissolved partnership on the 26th February, 1859. W h e n George Evans, the real founder of Melbourne, yvas putting up his hut off Flinders Street, the future Cremorne was visited only by aborigines, kangaroo and wild fowl. T h e settlement of the country led to its partial reclamation, and subsequent to the gold discoveries it yvas converted into a grand entertainment mart, over yvhich big pots of money yvere made and lost. In connection yvith the subject I present the folloyving curious yvaif, thefirstadvertisement issued about the place. T h e original yvas procured from Dublin for a professional purpose, by the well-known solicitor, Mr. J. S. Woolcott, w h o courteously favoured m e with a copy :— UNDER THE PATRONAGE Of T H E H O N O U R A B L E D R PALMER, SPEAKER of the LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL, And The Right Worshipful The Mayor, J O H N H O D G S O N , ESQ., M.L.C. C R E M O R N E GARDENS, RICHMOND. LESSEE MR. JAMES ELLIS W h o generously devotes the entire receipts of the Opening Day in aid of the fund for building a left wing to the Melbourne Hospital. S A T U R D A Y , ioth D E C E M B E R , 1853. These M A G N I F I C E N T G A R D E N S will be O P E N E D at One O'clock. The Band will perform during the afternoon. A Renowned Troop of Acrobats will exhibit their wonderful feats. Vocal and Instrumental Concert at half-past six. Dancing on the Great Platform at Eight O'clock. Fireworks at Ten. A D M I S S I O N FIVE SHILLINGS. The entire arrangements will be under the direction of Mr. Francis W . Wright Tickets to be obtained of Mr. Baker, Stationer, Swanston Street ; Mr. J. Williams, Stationer, Collins Street ; and of S. Goods, Printer, 56 Swanston Street, Melbourne.

It would occupy more space than I can spare to recount the various phases of Coppin's subsequent ups and downs, his wanderings by sea and land, his enterprise in securing the highes M r i ^ b m * or the theatres he built (six in the Australian Colonies), leased or managed and his final m n to and ermanent settlement in, the land of his adoption. Through his instrumentality more than return to and per _ conventionally termed, were introduced here, including Brooke, Mr. and Mrs. C ^ K e a n , Sir William and Lady Don. M a d a m e Celeste, Collins (the Irish comedian), James Anderson, and Talbot.