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essential points in the character of a good soldier. While he observes that these are attended to, he shall feel a pride in having them under his c o m m a n d , and shall hold it his duty, by every means in his power, to render their situation comfortable. H e is unwilling to mention the word " punishment," but it is necessary they should know his firm determination to have the strictest obedience paid to such orders as he m a y think proper to give from time to time for their regulation, and trusts that when at a future period this shall be joined by other detachments of their brave comrades, he shall be able with pleasure to hold up this small band as an example worthy their imitation. T h e officer of the day will have the charge of the guards, and once during the night will go the visiting rounds. A patrol of a corporal and two privates will occasionally, between the relief of the centinels, go round the encampment and take up all persons that they m a y find after the tattoo has beat, and bring them to the quarter-guard. T h e detachment off duty will parade for drill at seven o'clock every morning (Sundays excepted), if the weather will permit. T h e civil and military officers wanting the countersign m a y have it on application to Lieut. Sladden. T h e quarter-guard to be augmented by three privates to-morrow; the additional centinel is for the preservation of two water-casks at the watering-place, which are appropriated solely to the use of the civil and military establishment." T h e salutary lessons instilled by this proclamation m a y be learned with advantage n o w as then, and as a rule they were acted up to by those for whose benefit they were intended, though there was occasionally a notable exception. It was only on the following day (the 19th) that the C o m m a n d a n t was obliged to constitute a tribunal for the trial of delinquents, in the form of a Garrison Court-Martial at 11 a.m., at Lieut. Johnson's marquee, when a prisoner was tried for drunkenness and insubordination, and the result was thus publicly announced on the 23rd :— "Sergt. Richard, sergeant of the 1st parade company having been found guilty of the crime with which he stood charged before a Court-Martial, was sentenced to be reduced to the pay and duty of a a private centinel, but some alleviating circumstances having appeared in the course of the proceedings, and in the defence offered by the prisoner, he was recommended by the Court to the clemency of the C o m m a n d i n g Officer, which recommendation he was pleased to confirm, and the prisoner was restored to his former situation." A perusal of the several Garrison Orders issued by Collins during his brief stay (from 16th October, 1803, to 26th January, 1804), discloses an amusing inkling of the military life of the period, and a few extracts will be read with interest. " 23rd October.—This being the anniversary of His Majesty's accession to the throne, the detachment will assemble in front of the encampment at twelve o'clock, and fire three volleys in honour of the day, after which the guard will mount at two o'clock. " T h e presence of the officer of the day being at all times indispensably requisite in the camp, he is not, on any pretence, to quit it without the knowledge of the C o m m a n d i n g Officer. T h e comfort and appearance of the military depending m u c h upon their cleanliness, the Right Honorable the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty were pleased to admit a certain number of w o m e n to accompany their husbands on the present expedition, for the purpose of contributing to that end, by washing for the detachment. T h e C o m m a n d i n g Officer therefore directs and appoints the following w o m e n to be so employed, and in the following manner, namely : — T h e wife of William Bean, private, to wash for 15 persons; the wife of George Carley, private, to wash for 15 persons; the wife of James Spooner to wash for 14 persons ; and as an ample supply of necessaries has been sent out with the detachment, he will not admit of any excuse for their appearing in a dirty, unsoldierlike manner, discreditable to themselves and to the corps to which they belong. T h e different packages and cases in which the marine stores and clothing are contained, are not, on any account, when emptied, to be destroyed or converted to any other use without the approbation of the C o m m a n d i n g Officer. " 1 st N o v e m b e r . — T h e C o m m a n d i n g Officer is obliged to direct that in future the allowance of spirits shall be mixed with three waters, and issued twice a day to the detachment. T h e officer of the day will taste it when mixed. T h e quarter-master will continue to receive the allowance daily uu