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Mr. Blackburn's Suggestions.

The City Council having requested Mr. James Blackburn, the City Surveyor, to report "on the proposed improvements in the mode of communication between Hobson's Bay and Melbourne," that officer presented a document (dated 21st November, 1851) which treated the important question in an exhaustive and masterly manner. He was in favour of a "cut" commencing at Prince's Bridge, going in a straight line until it terminated at Hobson's Bay, about a quarter of a mile northward of the jetty at Sandridge, in soundings of 20 feet deep at ordinary low tides. The entire length of the "cut" was to be 4928 yards, of which 792 would run through the shallows which margined the Bay. The river dam ("The Falls") was to be removed, and the tide would flow, as it originally did, up as far as Hodgson's punt (near Studley Park bridge). If this were done 8,448,000 cubic feet of water would ascend the river bed every tide, a quantity capable of increasing the velocity of the discharge by at least 42 feet per minute. After entering with technical minuteness into various dimensions of the project, and dealing with certain objections, a map and sections prepared by a Mr. Garrard, who surveyed the river for the Government in 1848, was produced. The estimated cost of "cut," banks, pier heads and silt was £113,365. The report provided for a wet dock to occupy the site of the Yarra basin, with dam and wharf extending from Elizabeth to King Streets. It would have an area of 15a. 2r. 28p., and a water frontage of 3531 feet, with a permanent depth of 21 feet, sufficient to prevent even the largest vessels from grounding. It should be surrounded by a wall, entered at three points, viz., one opposite the Custom House, and one at either end—east and west. Against the wall sheds should be erected, and in front of them, between them and the basin, quays, and wharves, 120 feet wide at the least. The dock, including wall, sheds, platforms, and two locks, would probably cost £62,500, or a total for the entire works of £176,000. The cost of lighterage of goods, and conveyance of passengers and supplies to and from Hobson's Bay, was some £25,000 per annum, which, at fourteen years' purchase, was £350,000. The propositions were described as—(1) A railway, (2) The improvement of the river, and (3) A canal. The railway was to begin (a) by a jetty at Williamstown, and, keeping by the western bank of Hobson's Bay and the Yarra, terminate at Raleigh's warehouse in Flinders Street; or (b) commencing in the same way and place, running along the western bank of the bay to mouth of the Yarra, there to cross on piles with a swing bridge in one of the channels, and thence proceed in a direct line, terminating on the south bank of the Yarra, opposite the Custom House; or (c) to form a jetty in the head of the Bay on the eastern side, and to lay down a railway, thence to a terminus either on the north or south side of the Yarra, near Prince's Bridge.

The Colonial Architect's Report.

On the 25th October, 1851, the colonial architect, Mr. Henry Ginn, presented a report on the improvement of the Port of Melbourne. The several schemes referred to him by the Government for examination and opinion were—

No. 1.—A railway over the land between Hobson's Bay and Melbourne, with a mole for sixty ships; or, the same line of railway, with a wharf at the Beach but no mole.

Estimated cost with mole £207,230 Piled wharf £115,280


Railway, 2 miles 1 furlong 8 perches £7400 Branch lines, turntables, etc. 380 Bridge over the Yarra at Melbourne 8000 Engine-house, sheds, and offices at Melbourne, and sheds at the Beach 1500 Circular wharf at Beach 98,000 Total £115,280

Mole with flood-gates, hydraulic engine, etc. £159,950 No. 2.— A wharf at Williamstown in connection with a railway to Melbourne, the wharf to be faced with stone; or a wharf at Williamstown, in connection with a railway to Melbourne, the wharf to be piled. Estimated cost, with wharf faced with stone, £110,376. Estimated cost, with piled wharf, £85,688.