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Melbourne, the Fifteenth of November, 1850. Printed in the time of the Procession to open the Prince's Bridge.

The ACT for the better regulation of the Australian, Colonies, which constituted Victoria into a free Province, passed the Imperial Parliament on the First of August, 1850, of which information reached this Colony, by way of Adelaide, on the 11th of November, 1850. In this cause the P R E S S has been ever active, and has nobly performed the duty entrusted thereto. Justice has M length triumphed ! Victoria is freed from the clog of the Elder Colony of N e w South Wales! Her people rejoice as one m a n . The P R I N T E R S , and all empjoyed on the diffusion of. the printed page : all engaged on the all-powerful P R E S S , join heart and soul in the People's joy. This Colony was founded August 31st, 1835, on which day thefirsthouse was commenced for Mr. John Pascoe Fawkner, . O n the 1st of June, 1836, thefirstPubb'c Meeting of the Inhabitants tooV place, and James Simpson, Esq., was elected unanimously as Ruler of the People. In September, 1830, Captain Lonsdale and a small force of Military, with Officers and W o r k m e n , arrived from Sydney, to govern and order the new Colony. O n Monday, 1st January, 1838, thefirstNewspaper was issued- -a written sheet, published to the extent of 32 No*, weekly, by Mr. John Pascoe Fawkner. ThefirstTaper was printed on the 5th of March, 1838, and was entitled " The Melbourne Advertiser." It is n o w " The Melbourne Daily News and Port Phillip Patriot," edited by the Proprietor, George? D'Arley Boursiquot, Esq, It commenced a foolscap sheet, once a week, was enlarged to a full sheet of double demy, and was first published daily, commencing on the 15th May, 134-3, by John Pwcoe Fawkner. " The Port Phillip Cazette" was first published early in October, 1838. by Messra. Strode and Aidea. bi-weekly. It is nvow a tri-weekly Journal, edited and published by Thomas M'Combie, Esq. " The Melbourne Morning Herald" was commenced, and is still carried on by George Cavenagh, Esq. First published in January, 1839, twice a week. It has been a daily Paper since Jan. 1849. " The Melbourne Argus" commenced on 1st June, 1846, and ceased 12th Septnmber, 1848" The Argus" commenced 15th September. 1848, and as a daily Paper 18th June, 1849. Present Proprietors,—Messrs. Wilson and Johnston. " T h e Times," published by Ryland John Howard, was-commenced September 1842, and was discontinued 1844. " T h e Standard," hi-weekly Journal, was commenced by G. D . Boursiquot. Esq., m 1844, and amalgamated with the " Port Phillip Patriot" Oct. 1, 1845. " The Courier" was published by Mr, S. Goode on 6th January, 1843, and discontinued m April, 184 1. " The Albion" was commenced by Mr.S. Goode in December, 1847, and discontinued in March, 1 8 W . " The Geelong Advertiser" was commenced &t Geelong, November, 1840, by J. P. Fawkner. Edited and Published by Messrs Harrison and Watkins. Began as a weekly paper, and is n o w the property of Mr. J, Harrison, and published daily. " The Victoria Colonist," formerly " The Corio Chronicle," is published for Dr. Thomson, at Geelong, bi-weekly ; and " The Omnibus," by Mr. Combe, is also issued at Geelong, making three Newspapers issued in that town. The District of Portland Bay boasts its two Papers bi-weekly, via., " The Portland Guardian," and " The Portland Herald." Belfast also has its " Gazette," published by M r Osborne. Melbourne also produces sundry other publications:— " T h e Church of England Messenger," originated hy Dr. Perry, Bishop of Melhourne, January, 1850. Han/s " Illustrated Australian Magazine," commenced August, 1850. Monthly. " The Australasian," Published by M r Pullar, a quarterly reprint. October, 1850. '• The Presbyterian Magazine,'1 issued by M r Kamsay, monthly. •• The Temperance Advocate," issued weekly bv Mr. Finlayson. ' TheSlelbourue Family Journal," commenced by Mr. Hsyden, and carried on by M r Craig. " V.-.t Christian Citi/.en." published by M r Goode, monthly. " Victoria Weekly Price Current and Circular," published by M r W . L. Lees. Thus V I C T O R I A cai boast of the P R E S S , and the people can exult in the noble patronage they afford to



Which has rendered Britain the Arbitress of the World, and has also wrought wonders in Victoria. This P R E S S and the People have achieved that consummation sodevoutly to be wished, viz., S E P A R A T I O N : — Total Separation from N e w South Wales. Tis to the P u s s that this city is indebted for the information diffused by Three Daily, One Tri-weekly, Three Weekly, Four Monthly, and One Quarterly Journal; and the City'of Geelong circulates the pabulum of knowledge by means of O n e Daily and T w o Weekly Newspapers. Portland Bay and Belfast have also the benefit of ihe information circulated by nv;ans of Three Journals. The P R E S S is Omnipotent! Its diffusion is not only wide, but universal; it's oice penetrates the deepest recesses of the forest; crosses the widest plains, the highest mountains, and the most rapid streams. Not a hut in the wilderness but feels the powerful influence of that Lever of F r e e d o m — T H E P R E S S . The first Meeting to demand Separation was held in Melbourne, June. 1840. The feat was forwarded by N O N - E L E C T I O N , July, 1848, andfinallyaccomplished August 1, 1850.

VlTUMIEiLfiL SEIPAUiiOTOT ©IKE* .... hail! thou Glorious Press! W h e nfirstthy mighty frame » M rear'd,

h rose, in radiant light euspher'd,

The Nations to address. Then Tyrants trembled in dismay, And Reason hold her soverciirn sway, Supported hv the P R E S S ! —


Advances still the P R E S S ! And fair Religion's healing hand tiheds peace and love o'er every land, The multitudes to bless I Whilst Science all her varied stores Prom clime to cliinc benignly pours, isted by the P R E :

Time-honored now, O P R E S S ' Thy power to quell the oppressor's pride And Jiuw corruption's veil wide, Our grateful hearts confess ! i This day shall joy each voi'-c attune T O g'eeldcar Freedom's welcome boon, Enforced by the P R E S S I