Page:Chronological Table and Index of the Statutes.djvu/151

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Year, statute, and chapter. Subject-matter. How repealed or otherwise determined, wholly or in part
33 Geo. 3. (cont.)    
cc. 38, 39.   [Local.]  
c. 40.   Continuance of laws Rep., Stat. Law Rev. Act, 1871.
cc. 41–43.   [Personal or local.]  
c. 44.   Roman Catholics Rep., 9 & 10 Vict. c. 59. s. 1.
c. 45.   [Local.]  
c. 46.   Crown Lands (forfeited estates) Rep. in part, qu., 7 & 8 Geo. 4. c. 68. s. 3.
c. 47.   India Rep. in part, Stat. Law Rev. Act, 1870.
c. 48.   Customs Rep., 6 Geo. 4. c. 105.
c. 49.   British sailcloth, &c. Rep., Stat. Law Rev. Act, 1871.
c. 50.   Importation and exportation Rep., 3 Geo. 4. c. 44. s. 1.
c. 51.   Amendment of c. 29. of this session Rep., Stat. Law Rev. Act, 1871.
c. 52.   India Rep. in part—
47 Geo. 3. Sess. 2. c. 68. s. 6.
51 Geo. 3. c. 75. s. 1.
53 Geo. 3. c. 155. ss. 23, 26, 61, 74.
4 & 5 Will. 4. c. 33.
7 Will. 4. & 1 Vict. c. 70. s. 4.
24 & 25 Vict. c. 54. s. 7.
Stat. Law Rev. Act, 1872.
c. 53.   Pawnbrokers Determined, 36 Geo. 3. c. 87. s. 1.
c. 54.   Friendly societies Rep., 18 & 19 Vict. c. 63. s. 1.
c. 55.   Constable (parish) : Poor (overseers) Rep. in part—
11 & 12 Vict. c. 43. s. 36.
38 & 39 Vict. c. 86. s.17.
c. 56.   Sugar Rep., 6 Geo. 4. c. 105.
c. 57.   Warehoused tobacco, &c. Rep., Stat. Law Rev. Act, 1861.
c. 58.   Southern whale fishery Rep., Stat. Law Rev. Act, 1861.
c. 59.   Excise Rep., Stat. Law Rev. Act, 1871.
c. 60.   Mail to Spain Rep., 7 Will. 4. & 1 Vict. c. 32. s. 1.
c. 61.   Distilleries, &c., Scotland Rep., Stat. Law Rev. Act, 1871.
c. 62.   Lottery Rep., Stat. Law Rev. Act, 1871.
c. 63.   Importation Rep., Stat. Law Rev. Act, 1861.
c. 64.   House of Commons (election) Rep. in part, 35 & 36 Vict. c. 33. s. 32. (temp.)
c. 65.   Importation & exportation Rep., 1 & 2 Geo. 4. c. 87. s. 1.
c. 66.   Manning of the navy, &c. Rep., 27 & 28 Vict. c. 23. s. 1.
c. 67.   Assault : Merchant Shipping : Ship Rep. in part—
as to E.
7 & 8 Geo.4. c. 27.8. 1.
9 Geo. 4. c. 31. s. 1.
as to India, 9 Geo. 4. t. 74. s. 125.
Stat. Law Rev. Act, 1871.
c. 68.   Wales Rep. in part, Stat. Law Rev. Act, 1871.
c. 69.   Excise, Scotland Rep., Stat. Law Rev. Act, 1871.
c. 70.   Customs Rep., 6 Geo. 4. c. 105.
c. 71.   Post horse duties Rep., Stat. Law Rev. Act, 1871.
c. 72.   Appropriation Rep., Stat. Law Rev. Act, 1871.
c. 73.   Slave trade Rep., Stat. Law Rev. Act, 1871.
c. 74.   Payment of creditors, Scotland Rep., Stat. Law Rev. Act, 1871.
c. 75.   [Local.]  
c. 76.   Courts, Newfoundland Determined, 49 Geo. 3. c. 27. s. 10.
c. 77.   Annuity (Lord Rodney) Rep. in part, Stat. Law Rev. Act, 1871.
c. 78.   Cornwall Duchy.  
c. 79.   Militia, Sussex Spent
c. 80.   [Local.]  
c. 81.   Customs Rep., 6 Geo. 4. c. 105.
cc. 82–103.   [Local.  
c. 104.   Canals, S. (Crinan).  
cc. 105–185.   [Local.]  

34 Geo. 3. (1794).    
c. 1.   National debt Rep., Stat. Law Rev. Act, 1870.
c. 2.   Duties on worts, wash, &c. Rep., Stat. Law Rev. Act, 1861.
cc. 3, 4   Duties on spirits, &c. Rep., Stat. Law Rev. Act, 1861.