Page:Chronological Table and Index of the Statutes.djvu/259

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Year, statute, and chapter. Subject-matter. How repealed or otherwise determined, wholly or in part
3 & 4 Vict. (cont.)    
c. 108.
(Municipal Corporations, Ireland.)  
Belfast : Borough, I. (generally, municipal) : Cess, I. : Charities, I. : Clerk of the Crown, I. : Clerk of the Peace, I. : Coroner, I. : County of City, I. : Dublin : House of Commons (members) : House of Commons, I. (election) : Jury, I. : Justice of the Peace, I. : Limitation of Time, I. : Town Corporate, I. Rep. in part—
6& 7 Vict. c. 93. s. 1.
as to Dublin, 12 & 13 Vict. c. 85. s. 1.
13 & 14 Vict. c. 73. ss. 1, 11.
as to Belfast, 16 & 17 Vict. c. 114. s. 2.
23 & 24 Vict. c. 74. s. 2.
29 & 30 Vict. c. 39. s. 46.
34 & 35 Vict. c. 48.
34 & 35 Vict. c. 65. s. 4.
35 & 36 Vict. c. 33. s- 32. (temp.)
35 & 36 Vict. c. 60. s. 29.
Stat. Law Rev. Acts, 1874 (No. 2), 1875.
c. 109..   Borough, I. (municipal) : County of City, I Rep. in part—
19 & 20 Vict. c. 68. a. 50.
Stat. Law Rev. Act. 1874 (No. 2).
c. 110..   Loan Society : Probate Rep. in part, Stat.LawRev.Act,1874(No.2).
c. 111.   Company (banking) Rep. in part, Stat. Law Rev. Act, 1874(No.2)
c. 112..   Appropriation Rep., Stat. Law Rev. Act, 1874 (No. 2).
c. 113..   Advowson : Archdeacon : Benefice : Bishop : Corporation (ecclesiastical) : Dean and Chapter : Durham (university) : Ecclesiastical Commission : Queen Anne's Bounty: Southwell: University: Windsor. Rep. in part—
4 & 5 Vict. c. 39. ss. 8, 12, 14, 18, 30.
6 & 7 Vict. c. 77. ss. 5, 13.
13 & 14 Vict. c. 94. s. 5.
29 & 30Vict. c. 111. s. 17.
36 & 37 Vict. c. 64. s. 3.
Stat. Law Rev. Act, 1874 (No. 2).
4&5 Vict. (1841).    
c. 1.   Annuity (Lord Keane).  
c. 2.   Mutiny Rep., Stat. Law Rev. Act, 1874 (No. 2).
c. 3.   Marine mutiny Rep., Stat. Law Rev. Act, 1874 (No. 2).
c. 4.   Supply Rep., Stat. Law Rev. Act, 1874 (No. 2).
c. 5.   Tithe compositions, Ireland Rep., Stat. Law Rev. Act, 1874 (No. 2).
c. 6.   Turnpike roads, Ireland Rep., Stat. Law Rev. Act, 1874 (No. 2).
c. 7.   Census Rep., Stat. Law Rev. Act, 1874 (No. 2).
c. 8.   Duties on rum, &c. Rep., Stat. Law Rev. Act, 1874 (No. 2).
c. 9.   Turnpike Acts continuance Rep., Stat. Law Rev. Act, 1874 (No. 2).
c. 10.   Barony, I. : Dublin.  
c. 11.   Indemnity Rep., 34 & 35 Vict. c. 48.
c. 12.   Metropolis (New Thoroughfares) Rep. in part, 5 & 6 Vict. c. 64. s. 1.
c. 13.   Loan to South Australia Rep., Stat. Law Rev. Act, 1861.
c. 14.   Clergy: Company Rep. in part, Stat. Law Rev. Act, 1874 (No. 2).
c. 15.   Scott Monument.  
c. 16.   Crown Lands (Dublin).  
c. 17.   Arrest in personal actions, Ireland Rep., Stat. Law Rev. Act, 1874 (No. 2).
c. 18.   Abolition of slavery Rep., 35 & 36 Vict. c. 44. s. 26.
c. 19.   Exchequer bills Rep., Stat. Law Rev. Act, 1874 (No. 2).
c. 20.   Company : Exchequer Court : Excise : Married Woman : Spirits. Rep. in part, Stat. Law Rev. Act, 1874 (No. 2).  
c. 21.   Conveyance by release without lease Rep., Stat. Law Rev. Act, 1874 (No. 2).
c. 22.   Peers Rep. in part, Stat. Law Rev. Act, 1874 (No. 2).
c. 23.   Militia ballots suspension Rep., Stat. Law Rev. Act, 1874 (No. 2).
c. 24.   Entailed lands, &c. Scotland Rep., Stat. Law Rev. Act, 1874 (No. 2).
c. 25.   Importation, &c. of arms, &c., Ireland Rep., 6 & 7 Vict. c. 74. s. 61.
c. 26.   Assessed taxes Rep., 32 & 33 Vict. c. 14. s. 39.
c. 27.   Crown Lands (York House) : Metropolis (Victoria Park).  
c. 28.   Frivolous suits Rep., Stat. Law Rev. Act, 1874 (No. 2).
c. 29.   Sugar duties Rep., Stat. Law Rev. Act, 1874 (No. 2).
c. 30.   Survey Rep. in part, Stat. Law Rev. Act, 1874 (No. 2).
c. 31.   Court houses, Ireland Rep., Stat. Law Rev. Act, 1874 (No. 2).
c. 32.   Vaccination Rep.—
as to E., 30 & 31 Vict. c. 84. s. 1.

as to I., Stat. Law Rev. Act, 1875.

c. 33.   Turnpikes