Page:Chronological Table and Index of the Statutes.djvu/318

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Year, statute, and chapter. Subject-matter. How repealed or otherwise determined, wholly or in part
25 & 26 Vict. (cont.)    
c. 55.   Public Loans (Jamaica).  
c. 56.   Turnpike Trusts Arrangements.  
c. 57.   Crown Lands (Windsor).  
c. 58.   Parish, S. Rep. in part, Stat. Law Rev. Act, 1875.
c. 59.   Dog, I.  
c. 60.   Indemnity Rep., 34 & 35 Vict. c. 48.
c. 61.   Highways : Justice of the Peace : Mortmain. Rep. in part—
27 & 28 Vict. c. 101. ss. 6, 10,27, 32, 36.
Stat. Law Rev. Act, 1875.
c. 62.   House of Commons, I. (election) Rep. in part—
35 & 36 Vict. c. 33. s. 32. (temp.)
Stat. Law Rev. Act, 1875.
c. 63.
(Merchant Shipping.)  
Dues on Shipping : Embezzlement: Evidence : Fishery : Insurance (marine) : Lighthouses : Merchant Shipping : Ship : Wreck. Rep. in part—
36 & 37 Vict. c. 85. s. 33.
Stat. Law Rev. Act, 1875.
c. 64.   Naval, &c., stores Rep., 27 & 28 Vict. c. 91. s. 4.
c. 65.   Criminal Prosecution : Homicide : Sheriff.  
c. 66.   Petroleum Rep. in part, 31 & 32 Vict. c. 56. s. 4.
Rep., 34 & 35 Vict. c. 105. s. 17- (temp.)
c. 67.   Declaration of Title Rep. in part, Stat. Law Rev. Act, 1875.
c. 68.   Copyright : Forgery : Fraud : Importation.  
c. 69.   Arbitration : Board of Trade : Harbours : Harbours (Holyhead): Navigation: Preliminary Inquiries : Railway : Railway, S. : Tramways, I. Rep. in part—
36 & 37 Vict. c. 14. s. 1.
37 & 38 Vict. c. 30. s. 2.
Stat. Law Rev. Act, 1875.
c. 70.   Extradition Rep., 33 & 34 Vict. c. 52. s. 27.
c. 71.   Appropriation Rep., Stat. Law Rev. Act, 1875.
c. 72.   Turnpike Acts continuance Rep., Stat. Law Rev. Act, 1875
c. 73.   Copyhold : Inclosure : Tithes Rep. in part, Stat. Law Rev. Act, 1875.
c. 74.   Crown Lands (St. James' Park) : Public Buildings (Downing Street).  
c. 75.   Savings banks, Ireland Rep., Stat. Law Rev. Act, 1875.
c. 76.   Adulteration, I. : Weights and Measures, I. Rep. in part, Stat. Law Rev. Act, 1875.
c. 77.   Militia ballots suspension Rep., Stat. Law Rev. Act, 1875.
c. 78.   Fortifications : National Debt.  
c. 79.   Coal mines Rep., 35 & 36 Vict. c. 76. s. 76.
c. 80.   Militia pay Rep., Stat. Law Rev. Act, 1875.
c. 81.   Divorce Court Rep., Stat. Law Rev. Act, 1875
c. 82.   Rates.  
c. 83.   Attorney, I. : Burial, I. : Constabulary, I. : House of Commons, I. (electors) : Poor, I. (guardians, rate, relief, workhouse). Rep. in part—
26 & 27 Vict. c. 21. s. 1.
32 & 33 Vict. c. 25. s. 1.
Stat. Law Rev. Act, 1875.
39 & 40 Vict.c. 50. s. 3.
c. 84.   Malt : Spirits Rep. in part, Stat. Law Rev. Act, 1875.
c. 85.   Assignation, S.  
c. 86.   Lunatic Rep. in part—
32 & 33 Vict. c.91. s. 34.
Stat. Law Rev. Act, 1875.
c. 87.   Industrial and provident societies Rep., 39 & 40 Vict. c. 45. s. 4.
c. 88.   Contract: Cutlery: Falsification : Trade Mark.  
c. 89.
Arbitration: Attorney: Bank: Bank, I. : Bank Note : Bankrupt : Chancery Court : Chancery Court, I. : Company : Company, S. : Costs : Evidence : Execution : Falsification : Husband and Wife : Judicial Notice : Mortmain : Partnership : Railway : Session Court, S. : Stamps (duties) : Stannaries : Stannaries Court. Rep. in part—
30 & 31 Vict. c. 47. s. 1.
Stat. Law Rev. Act, 1875.
c. 90.   African slave trade Rep., 36 & 37 Vict. c. 88. s. 30.
c. 91.   Medical Council : Pharmacopoeia.