Page:Chronological Table and Index of the Statutes.djvu/564

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546 INDEX TO THE STATUTES. House op Commons — cont. 2. Member*— cont. (a.) Persons disqualified, and Offices not tenable by Members— cont. f 48 Geo. o. c. 140. s. 14. Justices and police officers, Dublin - - " 6 & 7 WilL 4. c. 29. s. 19. Incapacity to sit and vote on bankruptcy,] (S. I.) 52 Geo. 3. c. 144. and vacation of seat on continuance of WE.) 32 & 33 Vict. c. 71. ss. 121-124. bankruptcy for 12 months - - -J (I.) 35 & 36 Vict c. 58. ss 41-44. Auditor of Civil List - - - - - *6 <je o. 3. c. 46. s.8. Judges and judicial officers, Ireland .... J & 2 Geo. 4^ c. 44. Roman CatfioUc priests - - - - - f - J? Geo. 4 . c /. s.9. ,.. nr f 10 Geo. 4. c. 44. s. 18. Commissioners, &c. of Metropolitan Police - - " 1 19 & 20 Vict c. 2. s. 9. Governors and deputy governors, East Indies .. - - - ^ Geo. 4. c. 62. s. 1. Public Works Commissioners, &c, Ireland - - 1 & 2 Will. 4. c. 36. s. 1 1 . Sheriff substitute, sheriff clerk, deputy sheriff, townl 2 & 3 Will# 4. c . 65. s. 36. clerk or deputy, Scotland, for his county or burgh -J Registrar of beeds, Ireland - - - " AV^w * %f * %^ Recorder of borough, England, for that borough - - 5 &6 W£ ; 4. c. 76. s. 108. Magistrates, inspectors, &c. of constabulary, Ireland - 6 & 7 Will. 4. c. 13. s. 18. Jufge of Admiralty Court, England - - - q wVf ^ifc^' UK Recorder of borough, Ireland, forthat borough - - 3 & 4 Vict c. 108. s. 166 „ . . f 4 & 5 Vict. c. 35. s. 5. t 1 ) Copyhold, Tithe, and Inclosure Commissioners - - 1 14 & 15 Vict. c. 53. (*) Revising barrister, England, for county or borough fo'lg & 7 Vict. c. 18. s. 28. which he is appointed; Member not to be appointed -J Collector GeneiS of Rates, &c, Dublin - - - }2 & 13 Vict. c. 91. s. 24. Woods and Forests Commissioners - - - 14 & Jf VioLj *. 4 2s .1 0. Assistant Barrister (Chairman of Quarter Sessions), Ireland - 14 :& 15 ^Vict c. 57. s. 2. Member not to be Corrupt Practices Commissioner - -15 & 16 Vict, c. 57. s. 1 . Paid Charity Commissioners, secretary, and inspectors - 16 & ; 17 yict. c. 167. s. 5. West Indian Incumbered Estates Commissioners - 1 L?V 8 M 1 #1 C " in 8 ' W Judge of Bankruptcy Court, Ireland - - - 2^ 21 ict c .60s. 14. ,, of Court of Probate, Ireland - - - - 20 & 21 Vict. c. 79. s. 7 „ of Landed Estates Court, Ireland - - - 21 & 22 Vict. c. 72. s. 7. Not more than four Secretaries of State or Under Secre- taries to sit: seat vacated by acceptance of office of d Under Secretary, and holder not to be elected, while 121 & 22 V"*- c. 106. s.4. four are sitting ; provisions where more than permitted J7 & J8 vict. c. att. number of Secretaries, Under Secretaries, or other officers ItaArfcLdfrf India " - " - * - " - ' 21 fc ^ Vict c. lot* W. County Court Judges, England - - - - §2 fS 2S vaS" - 2' T t" CompteoUer and Auditor General, and aasirtant - . » fc » Vwfc o. ». •. 3. Judge of Admiralty Court, Ireland - - - 30^^.0.114^.9. Irish Church Temporalitiea Commissioners - - * fc *» V*" c 4 z s.V. Judge and officersln Bankruptcy, England - - - 3 £ «<J» V '^ c - '*• 8 ; <»• Traitors and felons, until completion of sentence, or pardon - 33 & 34 Vict c. 23. s. I. Barrister appointed to try municipal election petitions j 35 & 36 vict c m gs 14 28. not to he a member - - " "J , , „_ mlr , ,_ c Judges of High Court of Justice and Court of Appeal, England - 38 & 39 Vict. c. 7/. s. 5. Judges of High Court of Justice and Court of Appeal,!^ & 41 Vict c 5?i s# 13> Inca^Sty to sit or vote of respondent not opposing election petition, pending decision. Disqualification ci^ersons guilty of corrupt practices, employment of corrupt agents, o? personation, and avoidance of elections. See Corrupt Practices, 2 c). VariJuT stipendiary magistrates. See the Acts providing for their appointment, under Stipendiary Magistrate. (b.) Persons not disqualified. r 5 & 6 Will. & Mar. c. 20. s. 32. Governor or member of Bank of England - 1 15 Geo 2 . c . 13. s. 8. Governor, &c. of Royal Exchange Assurance and London | 6Geo A c 18# s 10 Assurance Corporations - - . - - - - J „ „ g7 Irish peers, for constituencies in Great Britain - - 39 & 40 Ueo .6. c. b/ . Governor/fee. of London Flour Company - - 39 ^J° G ^ 4 c 7 Js 2 8* i^SSSsM peers, for Scotch constituencies - 2 & 3 Will. 4. c. 65. s. 37. (*) See Expiring Laws Continuance.