Page:Chronological Table and Index of the Statutes.djvu/587

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INDEX TO THE STATUTES. 569 In closure — cont. 4. Xnolosures and Allotments for Public Purposes — cont. (a.) Inclosures— cont. 2. For relief of the poor. Purchase by parish of right to inclose for preservation of 9Q p_. 9 _ o/? _ o timber, for employment, &c. of poor - - - J Inclosure of waste or Crown lands for employment of J l & o W*ll 4 C * 59 P oor " " 1 5 & 6 Will. 4. c' 69. C# 8. 4.' „ „ „ for site of work- 43 Eliz. c. 2. s. 4. house, &c. - J 5 & 6 Will. 4. c. 69. a. 4. See also Poor (Belief). 3. For churches, &c, schools, and literary or scientific institutions. See Common. (b.) Allotments. 1. Under special Acts. (a.) Allotments for exercise or recreation, or inhabitants of parish, or public or parochial purposes : Exchange of, for other lands, with consent f 8 & 9 Vict. c. 118. ss. 149-151. of Commissioners - - - 15 & 16 Vict. c. 79. s. 21. (/3.) Allotments for poor : Letting and management of, and application of f 2 & 3 Will. 4. c. 42. rents - - 39 & 40 Vict. c. 56. s. 26. „ „ by committees of f 36 & 37 Vict. c. 19. trustees - - 1 39 & 40 Vict. c. 56. s. 26. Exchange of, for other lands, with consent of u fi xr ^ , , Q 1i0 ... Commissioners - - - - } 8 & 9 Vlct ' °* l 18 ' 8S ' 149-151. (y.) Fuel allotments : Use of, for other purposes than those specified m l 39 & 40 Vict c 56 a. 19 Act or award, restricted - - - J * ' ' Use of, for recreation ground or field garden, or ] exchange of, for other land, with sanction of > 39 & 40 Vict. c. 56. s. 19. Charity Commissioners - - -J 2. Under Inclosure Acts. (a.) Field gardens for labouring poor (see above, 3 (b)) : — Allotment, clearing, fencing, &c. f8 & 9 Vict. c. 118. ss. 34,73,92, 108-112. of; management and leasing « 9 & 10 Vict. c. 70. s. 4. of; application of rents - L 39 & 40 Vict. c. 56. ss. 21-23, 26, 27. Allotment of, subject to rentcharge, f 8 & 9 Vict. c. 118. ss. 31, 73, 75, 78. and allotment of rentcharge - 15 & 16 Vict. c. 79. s. 18. Allotment of, free of rentcharge - - 39 & 40 Vict. c. 56. s. 24. Use of, for other purposes, prohibited - - 39 & 40 Vict. c. 56. s. 19. ' Sale of, and purchase of other lands for - - 39 & 40 Vict. c. 56. s. 27. Reports to Commissioners as to - - - 39 & 40 Vict. c. 56. s. 28. (/3.) Village greens : — Not to be inclosed, but may be allotted as re "g & 9 y:^ c iig a 15 creation grounds - - - - J Fencing of, may be dispensed with - - 15 & 16 Vict. c. 79. s. 14. See also below, (y) (Recreation grounds). (7.) Recreation grounds (see above, 3 (b)) : — Allotment, clearing, fencing, mainte- |"8 & 9 Vict. c. 118. ss. 34, 73, 74, 92. nance, &c. of ; management and i 9 & 10 Vict. c. 70. s. 4. leasing of - - - - L 39 & 40 Vict. c. 56. ss. 22, 23, 25, 27. Fencing of, may be dispensed with - - 15 & 16 Vict. c. 79. s. 14. Use of, for other purposes, prohibited - - 39 & 40 Vict. c. 56. s. 19. Sale of, and purchase of other lands - - 39 & 40 Vict. c. 56. s. 27. Reports to Commissioners as to - - - 39 & 40 Vict. c. 56. s. 28. Summary remedies for damage to, or nuisance, 1 20 & <>1 Vict 31 § 12 encroachment, or inclosure on, village green or > qq « 2r v'ct 56 29 recreation ground - - - - J ict. c. . s. ^y. (&.) Other public purposes : — Allotments for roads, repair of roads, ") 0^0 V w « na .. oi 70 7q 00 watercourses, fuel, burial grounds, I 8 & 9 Vlc ^ooiSi Vi^Yll 7 ? K houwS^ & 40 Vi <*' c * ^ M 7 '> l2 - *' ubi - *• See also Common.