Page:Chronological Table and Index of the Statutes.djvu/692

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674 INDEX TO THE STATUTES. Patent — cont. Tor Inventions. Exception of, from Statute of Monopolies - - - - 21 Ja. 1. c. 3. Substitution of declaration for oath on proceedings for obtaining 5 & 6 Will. 4. c. 62. s. 11. Disclaimer, alteration of specification, and confirmation of - 5 & 6 Will. 4. c. 83. 7 & 8 Vict. c. 69. 15 & 16 Vict. c. 83. Prolongation of, by Order in Council, on report of Judicial Committee 5 & 6 Will. 4. c. 83. I 7 & 8 Vict. c. 69. 2 & 3 Vict. c. 67. 15 & 16 Vict. c. 83. 6 & 7 Vict. c. 38. I 16 & 17 Vict. c. 115. Notice and particulars of objections, and costs, in action for infringement or scire facias 5 & 6 Will. 4. c. 83. 15 & 16 Vict. c. 83. Using name of patentee, or word patent - - - - 5 & 6 Will. 4. c. 83. Appointment, powers, &c. of commissioners for, regulations as to deposit of specifications, application for, issue, and effect of, and registry of, and publication in United Kingdom, Channel Islands, Isle of Man, and Colonies, and registry, publication, and indexes of specifications - - - - - - - 15 & 16 Vict. c. 83. 16&l?Vict.c.5. 16 & 17 Vict. c. 115. Injunction against infringement granted at common law - - 15 & 16 Vict. c. 83. For improvement of instruments of war. See War Department. Stamp duties on - - - - - - - 16 & 17 Vict. c. 5. Right to, not prejudiced by exhibition of new invention at industrial or international exhibition - 28 & 29 Vict. c. 3. 33 & 34 Vict. c. 27. Transfer to Commissioners of powers of Board of Trade under Copyright of Designs Acts. See Copyright. Duties of Commissioners as to registration of trade marks. See Trade Mark. See also Attorney General; Great Seal. Patriotic Fund. Provisions for administration of- - - - - 30 & 31 Vict. c. 98. Pauper. See Burial, l ; Lunatic, 3 ; Poor. Pawn, Ireland. See Society, I. ; Spirits, I. Pawnbroker. Substitution of declarations for oaths under Acts relating to - 5 & 6 Will. 4. c. 62. s. 12. Definition of (E. S.) 35 & 36 Vict. c. 93. s. 6. Regulation of trade of, and of agents, servants, apprentices, &c. of (E. S.) 35 & 36 Vict. c. 93. Liability of, in case of fire - - - - (E. S.) 35 & 36 Vict. c. 93. s. 27. Pledging of stolen, &c. goods with, and delivery of to owner (E. S.) 35 & 36 Vict. c. 93. s. 30, &c. Pledging goods not the property of the pawner - (E. S.) 35 & 36 Vict. c. 93. s. 33. Prohibition of purchase of pledges, taking pledges from children, &c. (E. S.) 35 & 36 Vict. c. 93. s. 32. False information and fraud by pawner - - (E. S.) 35 & 36 Vict. c. 93. s. 34. Certain goods not to be taken in pawn, and search warrant therefor (E. S.) 35 & 36 Vict. c. 93. ss. 35, 36. Certificate and excise licence of - - - (E. S.) 35 & 36 Vict. c. 93. s. 37, &c. Licence to, to deal in plate - - - -30&31 Vict. c. 90. s. 1, &c. See also Metropolitan Police District; Navy; Poor (Generally) ; Stores, Public Pawnbroker, Ireland. Licence to, and duty on licence - - - 5 & 6 Vict. c. 82. ss. 6, 17, &c. 16 & 17 Vict. c. 59. s. 20. in Dublin - - - 17 & 18 Vict. c. S3, s. 20. Transfer of licence from stamps to excise - - - 27 & 28 Vict. c. 56. s. 6. Licence to, to deal in plate. See Pawnbroker. Manager of loan society to take out licence as. See Society, I. See also Pawnbroker; and Dublin Police District; Stores, Public Pay. See Army; Half-pay; Mutiny; Navy; Paymaster General; Militia; Personation. Paymaster General. Transfer to, of duties of agent general of volunteers and local militia 57 Geo. 3. c. 41. 26 & 27 Vict. c. 12. Bills and orders for pay of militia, &c. to be drawn on unstamped paper 57 Geo. 3. c. 41. s. 8.