Page:Chronological Table and Index of the Statutes.djvu/827

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INDEX TO THE STATUTES, 809 War Department — cont. Abolition of office of Secretary at War, and transfer of duties, &c. to Secretary of State for War Department - - - - - - 26 & 27 Vict. c. 12. Power to appoint surveyor-general of Ordnance and financial secretary of War Office w 33 & 34 Vict. c. 17. See also Army; Metropolitan Police District; Militia; Mutiny; Pay- master General ; Pension ; Stores, Public ; Volunteers ; and Appen- dix, tit. Fortifications. Ward. See Escheat; Guardian. Warehouses. See Customs, 3 (c) ; Spirits ; Tobacco. Warehouseman! Duties, &c. of, where goods deposited by shipowner. See Merchant Shipping, 4. See also Carrier ; Dangerous Goods ; Explosive Substances. Warrant. Penalty for arrest in civil matters without - - - - 43 Eliz. c. 6. Not specifying cause, bad - - - - - - (*) 3 Cha. 1. c. 1. Granted by justice of Queen's Bench. See Queen's Bench. In what cases to be granted by justices of the peace - - (E.) 11 & 12 Vict. c. 42. Backing and execution of, English, Scotch, or Irish, out of county where issued, and in the other parts of United Kingdom respectively, and of English in Channel Islands and Isle of Man 11 & 12 Vict. c. 42. ss. 10-15, 32. 11 & 12 Vict. c. 43.8s.3,37. 14 & 15 Vict. c. 55. s. 18. „ of Irish, out of county where issued, and in England, Scotland, Channel Islands, and Isle of Man, and of warrants from those places in Ireland - - - - 14 & 15 Vict. c. 93. 30 & 31 Vict. c. 19. in case of warrants issued by magistrates appointed under Towns Improvement (Ireland) Act, 1854 - 40 & 41 Vict. c. 56. s. 77. of, issued in Scotland - - - 27 & 28 Vict. c. 53. of Scotch or Irish, in Channel Islands, and of Channel Islands in Scotland and Ireland - - - 31 & 32 Vict. c. 107. Execution of, of police magistrate, for arrest of criminal liable to extradition, in any part of United Kingdom 33 & 34 Vict. c. 52. s. 13. Special, for arrest of person sued for penalties under Customs Acts. See Customs, 2 (/). For search. See Engraving ; Excise ; Explosive Substances ; Foreign Enlist- ment; Intoxicating Liquors ; Malicious Injury; Master and Servant; Obscene Publication ; Pawnbroker; Stolen Goods; Wool. See also Arrest ; Judgment ; Sheriff ; Sunday. Warrant, Scotland. See Imprisonment, S.; Summary Proceedings, S.; Warrant*. Warrant, Ireland. 1C1T _ To arrest person charged on indictment - - - - 14 & 15 Vict. c. 9J. See also Warrant; and Intoxicating Liquors, I.; Master and Servant, I. ; Stolen Goods, I. Warrant of Attorney to confess Judgment. See Cognovit Actionem ; Judgment, I. Warranty, England. Of land, void against issue in tail - - - - «* & 4 Will. 4. c. 74. See also Anchor ; Contract; Guarantee; Trade Mark. Warranty, Scotland. Where none, of goods sold - - - - - 19 & 20 Vict. c. 60. s. 5. See also Anchor ; Contract ; Guarantee, S. ; Trade Mark. Warranty, Ireland. Of flax and hemp seed to be in writing - - - &v Oeo. J. c. 82. Of land, void against issue in tail - - -- - 4 & 5 Will. 4. c. 92. See also Anchor; Contract; Guarantee; Trade Mark. Warre n Killing hares or rabbits in - - - - (E. I.) 24 & 25 Vict. c. 96. s. 17. Rating of. See Poor (Bate). Warrington. See Borough, Municipal, 7. Warwickshire. See Assizes; Coventry. Washhouse. See Baths and Washhouses ; Town. Washington Treaty Claims. . Payment by Treasury into Court of Chancery of sums paid by Government of United States in discharge of claims under Washington Treaty, and decision by court of dis- putes as to such sums - - - - - - 38 & 39 Vict. c. 52. (*) This precedes c. 1. in Ruffhead.