Page:Cicero - de senectute (on old age) - Peabody 1884.djvu/104

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Death, fear of, 50.
impending over the young as well as the old, 51.
natural and easy in old age, 54.
examples of the contempt of, 55.
De Senectute, the, when written, v.
referred to in Cicero's other works, vi.
sources of, vii.

Ennius, quoted, 1.
old age of, 11.
Epicurus, as described by Cineas, 32.

Fabius Maximus, old age of, 8.
Farm life, charms of, 43.
suited to old age, 44.
Flamininus, Lucius, flagitious conduct of, 31.

Gorgias, old age of, 11.
Grain fields, beauty of, 40.

Immortality, reasons for, 56.
hope of, 60.
Irritability, alleged, of old age, 49.
Isocrates, old age of, 11.

Laelius, Caius, character of, xxviii.
writings of, xxix.
Livy, character of Cato by, xxii.

Massinissa, vigorous old age of, 25.
Memory, not necessarily impaired by age, 16

Occatio, derivation of, 40 n.
Old age, said to creep on one insidiously, 4.
alleged evils of, chargeable to character, 6.
does not cut one off from the management of affairs, 12.
bodily strength often unimpaired by, 20.
to be actively resisted, 26.
said to lack the pleasures of sense, 29.
compatible with intellectual activity, 37.