Page:Civilization and barbarism (1868).djvu/241

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swered "Roza," said, "Your father, Don Ignacio Roza, was a great man; give my compliments to your mother."

The next day a bench was prepared for the shooting of his usual victims. Who were they to be this time? The Unitarios had fled in great numbers, and many timid people not Unitarios. But Facundo began to impose contributions upon the women whose husbands, fathers, or brothers were absent, and the results were quite satisfactory, and accompanied by the usual circumstances,—sobs and cries of women threatened with the lash, some actually whipped, two or three men shot, one lady compelled to cook for the soldiers, and other nameless outrages. There was one especial day of horror to be remembered; it was when Facundo was about to depart for Tucuman; the divisions were filing off one after another, and the muleteers were taking care of the baggage, when a mule broke loose, and in trying to get away ran into the church of Santa Anna. Facundo ordered them to catch it; the muleteer went in for this purpose, and at the same moment an officer, by command of Quiroga, entered on horseback, tied both man and mule, and brought them bound together, the unfortunate muleteer suifering from the kicks of the animal. Just then it appeared that something was not quite ready for the departure, and Facundo ordered the negligent authorities before him. His Excellency the Governor and Captain General of the Province received a buffet, the chief of police narrowly escaped a bullet as he ran, and all reached their offices as quickly as possible to give the neglected orders.