Page:Claude McKay Constab Ballads.djvu/58

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She has trod de downward course,
Never haltin’ on de way;
Dere’s no better time for her
Dan a póliceman pay-day.

Waits de slimber ball-pan man,
Waits de little ice-cream lad,
Waits our washerwoman Sue,—
All deh chat how pólice bad;
Each one sayin’ police vile,
Yet deir faces all betray
Dat for dem dere’s no rag time
Laka policeman pay-day.

Inside in de ord’ly room
Things are movin’ very fine;
Constab standin’ in a row
Hea’ de jinglin’ o’ de coin;
Constab wid a solemn face,
Constab only full o’ fun,
Marchin’ in de ord’ly room
As dem name call one by one.

Quick march!—halt!—a sharp right tu’n,
Wid de right han’ smart salute,
All attention poker-stiff,
An’ a-standin’ grave an’ mute:
Office-clerk calls out de name,
Officer hands de amount
To Sa’an’ Major standin’ by,
Who gives it a second count.