Page:Clermont - Roche (1798, volume 1).djvu/149

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"Do you know where he lives in general?" asked Olivia.

"No (replied Madeline); I neither know his residence nor family."

"He has been here some weeks (resumed Olivia), and is universally noticed and liked, though no one (at least that I can learn) knows any thing of his connexions; there can be no doubt, from his manner and stile of living, that they are respectable."

The Countess saw that Madeline was confused, and changed the discourse. After conversing some time on various subjects, Olivia said they might expect an early visit that morning. "The officers are to give a concert and ball this evening, and I know some of them intend coming here to request the honour of your company, Madame (addressing the Countess), and Mademoiselle Clermont's."

"I hope they will not take that trouble (cried the Countess), for I could not accept their invitation."