Page:Clermont - Roche (1798, volume 1).djvu/211

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he pretended to us the moment you were gone, that he was taken so ill he could scarcely speak or stop another moment. Pray, Madeline, did he tell you the nature of his malady?"

"I never enquired," answered Madeline, blushing.

"But he might have told you without asking; and I shrewdly suspect he did. Pray did he ask you to prescribe for him?"

"Prescribe for him! (said Madeline, pretending not to understand her meaning) do you suppose he took me for an old nurse?"

"No indeed (replied Olivia), I suppose no such thing; but I am not so certain that he would be wrong in taking you for a young nurse."

"I have not spirits to answer you (cried Madeline); so be generous, and do not take advantage of my inability."

"And pray to whose account may I place your dejection," asked Olivia.

"To whose you please; I may as well have the pleasure of giving you a latitude