Page:Clermont - Roche (1798, volume 3).djvu/248

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male and female domestics approached, accompanied by her father.

"What is the matter, my love? (cried he), I have been called from my bed by the sound of passing steps."

"Listen!" exclaimed Madeline, with a countenance of horror, and glancing at the chamber.

The yell became, if possible, more savage; and the domestics began to cross themselves. Madeline looked at her father, with an intention of asking his opinion of the noise; but was prevented by observing the disorder and death-like paleness of his countenance.

"How long (demanded he) is it since this chamber was opened?"

"Two months at least, my Lord, (replied the housekeeper), and then it was only opened for a few hours, of a fine sunny day, merely to air it."

"Where is the key?" asked he.