Page:Clouds without Water (Crowley, 1909).djvu/11

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Where is now that spotted soul? There is but one appalling answer to the question. In the "place prepared for the devil and his angels"; for "he that believeth not is condemned already".

Not even in that modem evasion, the plea of insanity, can we find any hope. Nothing is clearer than that these wretched victims of Satan were in full possession of their faculties to the last moment.

Surely the maniacal violence of their unhallowed lust and hate is no ground for pity but for reprobation. When our blessed Lord was on earth He made no excuses for those who were possessed of devils. He took this simply as a fact—and He healed them.

It is only the shocking atheism and materialism or modern science that, in an insane endeavour to whittle away the miracles of our blessed Saviour, has sought to include "possession" in the category of disease.