Page:Clouds without Water (Crowley, 1909).djvu/161

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I. 1. Ra. — The 'Sun-God'
I. 5. Horus. — The hawk, also a 'Sun-God'
II. 1. Apollonius of Tyana, the notorious pseudo-Christ, used to cover himself in wool in order to meditate.
III. 7. Fellatrix. — Only a Latin dictionary can unveil the loathsome horror of this filthy word.
IV. q. sqq. — Impossible to comment on this shocking 'sin against the Holy Ghost' To compare the very Spirit or Breath of God to—Oh, Lord, how long?
VI. 11. Basilisk. — a fabulous creature that slew all that it looked upon.
IX. 1. Lingam. — The Hindu God (!) — the male organ of generation.
2. Yoni — Its feminine equivalent. That the poor Hindus should worship these shameful things! And we? Oh how poor and inadequate is all our missionary effort! Let us send out more, and yet more, to our perishing brothers!
5. Phædra was repulsed by her son Hipolytus; Semiramis receved the willing embraces of her son Ninus.