Page:Clouds without Water (Crowley, 1909).djvu/50

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Mine. 'Tis impossible, but so it is.
My mouth is Lola's and my Lola's mine
When in the trance, the death we call a kiss,
Earth is done down, and the immanent divine
Exists! Impossible! no mortal yet
Suffered such bliss from the all-envious gods;
Whence we may guess we are immortal, set
From the beginning over the periods
Of ages, set on thrones of jasper and pearl,
Wreathed with the lilies of Eternity,
While on our brows the starry clusters curl
Like flashes from the sunkissed jewelry,
Dew on the flowers our garlands. Ay! you are mine,
And mine as you are shall I pour the wine.