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QMPI Program. However, the laboratory did not establish the procedure by which these quarterly audits are to be conducted. In its submission, the laboratory indicates that a "tracer audit may [emphasis added] be used," but did not provided a protocol for a "tracer audit," the means by which a "tracer audit" would be documented, and whether the results of a "tracer audit" would be the information reviewed by the QMPI Program.

The laboratory failed to adequately address this deficiency and provide acceptable evidence of correction consisting of the required documentation and information set forth above and in our January 25, 2016 letter.

Finding #7
The submission references "Ex. H, Tabs 1, 2 - 5, 16, 17 - 20, 21, 22 - 25, 26, 27 - 30, 36, 37 - 40, 46, 47 - 50, 56, and 57-60." We found no such references in the materials provided to CMS. Throughout Ex. H, the submission includes lists of patient specimen accession numbers for which the laboratory intended to issue corrected test reports. The laboratory provided no documentation to indicate corrected reports were generated and issued.

We found no information addressing how the laboratory will ensure the timely review of the effectiveness of any actions taken. Although the laboratory indicated that quarterly audits will be performed to ensure compliance with this deficient practice, it is unclear how quarterly audits will timely address the issues cited under this deficiency.

Nevertheless, the laboratory did not establish the procedure by which these quarterly audits are to be conducted. In its submission, the laboratory indicates that a "tracer audit may [emphasis added] be used," but did not provided a protocol for a "tracer audit," the means by which a "tracer audit" would be documented, and whether the results of a "tracer audit" would be the information reviewed by the QMPI Program.

The laboratory failed to adequately address this deficiency and provide acceptable evidence of correction consisting of the required documentation and information set forth above and in our January 25, 2016 letter.

Finding #8
The submission references "Ex. B, Tabs 51 and 53-55, and Ex. H, Tabs 1, 2 -5, 17 - 20, 26, 27 30,36,37-40, 46, 47 - 50, 56, and 57 - 60." We found no such references in the materials provided to CMS.

The laboratory submitted a new QC procedure (Ex. A, Tab 1) which requires QC Pass/Fail Criteria. Specifically, Section - c. provides that QC must meet certain criteria as well as ". . .the required Westgard rule pass criteria." Westgard rules included a "10x" rule for rejecting QC when 10 consecutive control measurements fall on one side of the mean. We note that on page 17 of 19 (Ex. A, Tab 6) in the updated protocol that the "10x" rule was included as part of the Westgard rules which the lab must follow. The lab provided no documentation indicating that the "10x" rule was evaluated as part of its review.