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Co-operative housekeeping

would pass a law making such savings by any housekeeper her own. Of course, the contrary action would crush all independence of enterprise among us, and thus injure masculine business interests as well as feminine. But, this aside, would it not be almost an amusement to the men to see how women would go to work? I think there would then be no lack of something to talk about every day at the table between the husband and his wife and daughters, or in society between the gentlemen and ladies who now are so often at a loss for some common interest upon which to interchange ideas and experiences.

Article X.The Council.

The highest authority of the Co-operative Housekeeper's Society of —— shall be a Council of all the male heads of the families whose housekeepers are members of the society. The Council shall be called by sending a printed notice to each of its members, four weeks after the second and fouith quarterly settlements of each year.

Article XI.Privileges of the Council.

The Council shall have absolute power of veto in all the moneyed transactions of the society. It shall hold its meetings in the presence of the co-operative housekeepers or of their chief officers. It may choose from its own number certain auditors for each half-yearly settlement of accounts; but these gentlemen, before reporting, must lay their statements before the executive committee[1] for correction and verification. The Council may not elect or displace any officer or employee of the society, but it may pass votes of approbation or censure upon the regulations of the different departments or their divisions. Finally, it shall be the highest tribunal for cases of difficulty, inextricable by the other governing bodies of the society, and from its decision there shall be no appeal.

Article XII.The Convention.

The Convention shall consist of the whole body of co-operating housekeepers. It shall be called by sending printed notices eight days beforehand to all the co-operative housekeepers, which shall contain the hour and date of the meeting and a statement of the matters to be discussed. In the Convention, every housekeeper present has a vote, and a majority of votes decides a measure.

  1. See Art. XIII.