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All that are curious of Courtship, give attention to the history of Mary and her son Sawney, a young Coalman, who lived in the country, a few miles from Edinburgh.

Mary, his mither, was a gay hearty wife; had mair wantonness than wealth; was twelve years a married wife, nine years a widow, and was very chaste in her behaviour wi' her ain tale, for want o' chargin', for all the time of her widowhood there was never a man got a kiss of her lips, nor laid a foul hand on her hind quarters.

Sawny, her son, was a stout young raw loon, full fae'd, wi flabby cheeks, duddy breeks and a ragget doublet; gade always wi' his bosom bare sometimes ae garter, a lingle or strae rape was gude enough for Sawny. His very belly was a'