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and finally chose a little nook under the mansarded roof.

In spite of everything she could say, I declared that she might take it or leave it, that if she would hot let me have the room I liked, I would go back to my hut, so she had to give in, but every day and all day long she kept at me about it.

"That's not a fit place for you, Father, the other room is much more comfortable,—why in the world don't you like it?"

"Because I don't," I would say and then she would go into a rage, and swear that 1 would drive her crazy, that she knew why I behaved so, it was just because I was too stuffy and proud to be beholden to any of my children, even to her.

"I should like to box your ears!" she would cry, and then I would tell her that would be the only way to make me accept something from her gratis.

"You don't love me, Daddy."

"Now, my little girl, my own sweet baby!"

"Let me alone! Don't you dare to touch me! You can't make up to me like that, old fraud that you are! And all the time you are just laughing at me. I can see your mouth twitching."

"You're laughing yourself, Martine," and I put my finger on her cheek, which broke into a smile.