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"Unnatural child, you are too busy to kiss your old father?"

She came reluctantly and stood near the bed, and I held out my arms to her.

"I don't see any present," said she.

"You have it now, I meant myself,"

"A pretty present you would be!"

"Ugly or pretty, I am yours entirely now to do with as you please."

"Will you sleep downstairs?"

"Anywhere you choose to put me."

"Will you do as you are told and let me love you and scold you when you need it?"

"I am your slave from this hour!"

"You dear bad old thing!" she cried. "I am going to get even with you now, for all your obstinacy!"

Then she hugged and cuffed me, shaking me about like a doll, and, without waiting a minute, called Florimond and his white-capped assistants who carried me feet first down the narrow stair and put me down in the big bed in the bright room, and there Martine and Glodie tucked me up and fussed about me, telling me over and over again that now that they had me downstairs I should see what good care they would take of me.

Do you know I really enjoyed it? And, having