Page:Collected poems Robinson, Edwin Arlington.djvu/239

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Four o'clock this afternoon
Ah, but they go slow to-day:
Slow to suit my crazy tune,
Past the need of all we say.

Best it came to come so soon,
Best for them they go to-day :
Four o'clock this afternoon,
Fifteen hundred miles away.


Yes, you have it; I can see.
Beautiful? . . . Dear, look at me!
Look and let my shame confess
Triumph after weariness.
Beautiful? Ah, yes.

Lift it where the beams are bright;
Hold it where the western light,
Shining in above my bed,
Throws a glory on your head.
Now it is all said.

All there was for me to say
From the first until to-day.
Long denied and long deferred,
Now I say it in one word
Now; and you have heard.

Life would have its way with us,
And I've called it glorious :
For I know the glory now
And I read it on your brow.

You have shown me how.