Page:Collected poems Robinson, Edwin Arlington.djvu/263

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Is one for less complacent execration
Than quips and innuendoes of the city
Would augur for her sin if there be sin
Or for her name if now she have a name.
And where, I say, is this to lead the King,
And after him, the kingdom and ourselves?
Here be we, three men of a certain strength
And some confessed intelligence, who know
That Merlin has come out of Brittany
Out of his grave, as he would say it for us
Because the King has now a desperation
More strong upon him than a woman's net
Was over Merlin for now Merlin's here,
And two of us who knew him know how well
His wisdom, if he have it any longer,
Will by this hour have sounded and appraised
The grief and wrath and anguish of the King,
Requiring mercy and inspiring fear
Lest he forego the vigil now most urgent,
And leave unwatched a cranny where some worm
Or serpent may come in to speculate."
"I know your worm, and his worm's name is Modred-
Albeit the streets are not yet saying so,"
Said Lamorak, as he lowered his wrath and laughed
A sort of poisonous apology
To Kay : "And in the meantime, I'll be gyved
Here's Bedivere a-wailing for the King,
And you, Kay, with a moist eye for the Queen.
I think I'll blow a horn for Lancelot ;
For by my soul a man's in sorry case
When Guineveres are out with eyes to scorch him:
I'm not so ancient or so frozen certain

That I'd ride horses down to skeletons