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Two hundred pounds left by her aunt,
three hundred more I’d give her,
But if she marry without consent
a farthing I wont leave her.
Besides to marry she is too young,
And sailors have a flattering tongue,
So from my presence quick begone,
If you wed that tarry sailor.

Says Jack I dont regard that sum,
my dear I’ve gold in plenty,
Believe me, Sir, I do not come
to court with pockets empty;
Five hundred guineas in bright gold,
Upon the table there he told,
And sweept them in her apron-fold,
Take that and Jack your sailor,

Her father seeing his honest heart,
that he behaved so clever;
Said, “’tis a pity you to part,
and I’ll not do it ever;
As you so freely give your store
And you each other do adore,
Now take her Jack, here’s as much more

For you a clever sailor.