This page needs to be proofread.







Wlieii in flew the door, and Ho-gan the tinker and Lath -er - ing Lan-ni-gan

Cor -ne -lius Ho-ra - tio Flaher -ty's son, Ad -e- laide Grace, and Doc- tor O'- Raf - fer - ty,

Red headed ducks wid salmon and peas, Ban-dy-leg'd frogs and Pe - ru - vi - an os -trich- es.












��kick'd up a row, and want -ed to know why they weren't ax'd to the spree.

E - va Mc -Loug - lin, Co - ra Mul - doon, And Brig- a - dier Gen - er - al Burke.

Bot - tie - nosed pick- er - el, wood-cock and snipe. And ev' - ry - thing else that would plaze.

����wir -m




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��And the ba - by set up such a squall - ir.g, and such a bawl - ing and cat - er - They were danc- ing the Pol - ka Ma - zur - ka, 'Twas a work - er, ne'er a

Af - ter din - ner of course we had spa - king, there was hand - sha - king, there was leave



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��waul - ing, shirk - er, tak - ing,

��And the nurse on the moth - er was call - ing, The Var - so - vi - an - na La Turk - er, In the cor - ner ould moth • er's match - ma - king,

��There And the Wid


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