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�� ��61

��N, O, no,witha no.with a Con-stan-ti- no, P, L, E, with a pull, Con-«tan- ti - no - pie.





��I met the Colonel at a ball,

To him I was presented ; Upon his knees the youth did fall,

And lots of stuff invented; He said lie was a Turkish prince,

And begged that I would hear his name ; So 1 accepted the young Colonel who

From Constantinople came.

��3 One evening, while we sat at tea,

We'd a visit most informal ; The police came, and, gracious me,

They took away the Colonel ; I soon found he a swindler was,

And long had carried on that game ; And so I lost my Colonel who

From Constantinople came.


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��1. Ma-ry and a Martha's just gone 'long, Ma - ry and a Martha's just gone 'long, Mary and a Martha's



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just gone 'long,To ring tbos! charming bells .Crying, free grace and dy - ing love, Freegraceand dy-inglove,

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��i -iii

Free grace and dy -ing love, To ring those charming bells, Oh! way o

��ver Jor- dan, Lord,

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��M* i J :









��ver Jor - dan, Lord, Way o


��ver Jor - dan, Lord, To ring those charm-ing

fb -m~ -*■-• -0- -m- -m- -m- . 7™e



��-i — y me

��home, home.

��2 The preacher and the elder's iust gone long, etc.

To ring those charming bells ; Cuo. — Crying, free grace, etc.

3 My father and mother's just gone 'long, etc.

To ring those charming bells ;

��Cho. — Crying, free grace, etc. ' »* P* 4 The Methodist and Baptist's just go« down, To ring those charming bells ; '. Cho. — Crying, free grace, etc. I bound,


�� ��Uted by penalMlo*

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