Page:Collier's New Encyclopedia v. 02.djvu/207

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BBIDGE 177 BBIDGE High bridge, New York, by which the Croton aqueduct is carried across Har- lem river, is of granite throughout. Victoria bridge, which spans the St. Lawrence at Montreal, Canada. It is tubular and 9,194 feet, or nearly 2 miles, as war memorials. A notable one is the State Soldiers' and Sailors' memorial bridge at Harrisburg, Pa., built at a cost of over $2,000,000, and completed in 1919. Besides the bridges here enumerated, long. The massive tube through which there are many other notable specimens the railway track is laid is 22 feet high o^ bridge architecture in this country, and 16 feet wide. It was formally BRIDGE, SIR FREDERICK, an Eng- opened in 1860. lish organist and composer, born in Old- BRIDGE OF SIGHS, VENICE _ The St. Louis bridge, across the Mis- sissippi river, from St. Louis, Mo., to East St. Louis, 111., is regarded as one of the greatest triumphs of American engineering. It was designed by James B. Eads; was begun in 1869, and was completed in 1874. Several bridges have been constructed bury, Worcestershire, Dec. 5, 1844; was organist of Trinity Chui'ch, Windsor, Manchester Cathedral, and, since 1875, full organist of Westminster Abbey. He wrote the oratorio, "Mount Moriah," the cantata, "Boadicea," the cantata, "Cal- lirhoe," the oratorio, "The Repentance of Nineveh," etc. He has set many hymns