Page:Collier's New Encyclopedia v. 02.djvu/530

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CHINA 466 CHINA they reach below the knee. They are not) however, proportionately so long as in the gibbons and orangs. Its height is about five feet. The look is very much that of a very old child. In habits it is of Central Asia. In form it approaches to a square, and it covers a surface, in- cluding dependencies, of nearly 4,000,000 square miles. It is inhabited by at least 325,000,000 of the human race, living CHIMPANZEE gentle and amiable, and easily makes friends. CHINA, or the CHINESE REPUBLIC, a vast territory in Asia, comprehending seven great divisions, viz.: Manchuria, Mongolia, Hsinchiang, Fengtien, Kirin, Heilungchiang, Tibet, China proper, or the Eighteen Provinces (Shih-pa- Shang), formerly including the island of Formosa. As a consequence of the Chino-Japanese War, Formosa was ceded to Japan by treaty. China proper occupies the E. slope of the tablelands under the same government, ruled by the same laws, speaking the same language, studying the same literature, possessing a greater homogeneity, a history extend- ing over a longer period, and a more en- during national existence than any other people, whether of ancient or modern times. When we consider its high an- tiquity, its peculiar civilization, its elab- orate administrative machinery, its won- drous language, its philosophy and classic literature, its manufacturing in- dustry and natural productions, China is perhaps the most remarkable country in